Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Japan that's in my mind...

I've been passing by this country north of us for years, but I've never had a quite definitive take or real clue on how this country is, not until I saw a documentary of it this week on TV at the Travel Channel. What empressed me the most is the crime rate which is almost non-existent except for a few cases of pick pockets here and there. That's amazing, no murders? That speaks volume on how this country is being run. The unemployment rate is quite low so you can imagine the less stress of its citizenry. The only thing is space is very limited. An 18,000 USD rent a month for a decent high rise dig? That is just beyond my mind's comprehension. A 7 USD coke and a 10 USD hot dog as well. Now I'm thinking it looks like there are no poor people in this country. And to top that, they are one year ahead in tech gizmos than the U.S. the most advance country on earth, so how did that happen? They are brilliant, intelligent and very disciplined people. Maybe a wake up call after they were defeated by the U.S. with that bomb. Wish my country of birth will be just like Japan. No Garci tapes, nor banding of green broad bucks under the table. People are honest, very respectable human beings. But what floors me the most is their fascination in inventions, esp. that john that has everything, to clean your bottom that is, er your ass to be precise, laughs. Very funny. A buffing machine, to clean that thing :> That would be awfully nice, don't you think? And they come in true gold too. This, if you have the right amount of moolah in the bank. Talk about excesses here... but who is complaining? The Juans in my country for sure. There is no equal distribution of wealth. See if that will fly, laughs. Oh well...