Wednesday, August 28, 2013

perpetual help, always...

"ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened" inspiring when hope is at a bind. thanks our holy mother :) years and years ago after your image that was cut off from a calendar was put on a wall where i slept in our old sawali house in the province, i had never forgotten whom to ask, where to seek and where to knock. people mocked you and persecute you for your religion but they will never know first hand how your life was transformed because of your belief and faith in God. it worked, and it will always work perpetually, thus the name...(^&*)... i took this mother of perpetual help image at our parish church, our lady of Fatima :) when hope is failing and during trying times, humans are reminded of the presence of the all too powerful to bail us out in our predicament. it worked for me then and now so i am sure that it will also work to those who ask, seek and knock...

and speaking of colors...yellow, the color of the sun, our holy mother's picture frame here :) plus the color of gold and also the color of ribbons to tie in your old oak tree if you're hoping a love one to come back to you if they still love you :) dress in yellow? i've never done that for years and years now for it is not my color ;) yellow dress, no... yellow flower, yes :>

music may or may not define us. each of us in each generations that we live we pick up these wonderfully crafted musical compositions at that given moment of that time frame when we lived. easy listening, or just plain nothing sound syllables or noise making notes. i think our preferences of melodies we also take them as we grow old. music is important but it is just one of the many so called decorations of life that enhances the way we live, nothing more nothing less. but it would be better if your mate and you have the same taste in music for it will bring a much more harmonious relationship between the two of you :) the young swoon by their choices of music. the old probably just let it go for they've heard it all before. and the in betweens maybe will take a little pause to hear the melodies but will go on throdding with their lives... and me? i've heard enough but still i want to hear some nice music pieces every now and then. the sounds of nature is much more music to my ears. the sound of the hawaiian forest, the sound of the gently rolling waves of the beach. these are the true music that i would really want to hear over and over again. but again who cares ;)

politics makes you gray. president obama is not immune. it is a very stressful job. our president belongs to my generation :) wow, when will my gray hair will come too? at the moment they are far in between. maybe i am just lucky because michael has some gray hair popping out now. so coloring my hair will be postponed for awhile, this if i decide to go that route, who knows...(^&*)... only the future will tell... yes, young as you may today, you will be in the shoes of the old as the years roll by, as the ebbs of tides come and go... but since you're not there yet, enjoy the view, be nice to the old for you will be them in just a matter of time... wisely said? no, it is just the reality of our short life span on earth... for how we treat our elders speaks volume on who we are as a person...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

the rose, the flower of the virgin mary...

 the flower of the virgin mary is the rose...for the feast of the assumption of the virgin mary every august 15th, here are pink roses from my garden one fine summer... art is by rubens, circa 1626, beautiful...
Dream...more than others think is practical!
Expect...more than others think is possible!
Care... more than others think is wise!...

"To be kind is more important than to be right ...Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens." ...both quotes are by anonymous...
 not so strange after all... strange things happen in life but we know where we're going. back to where we came from, to dust that is flying, that's the physical but our spirits won't linger. it goes up and above in the skies with our Father in heaven. some may think that we are sinners. unlike the virgin mary who is pure and without blemish and clean, all of us at some point had fallen. life is so strange a mystery a few may say. that's not true for life is already defined, debugged and solved like a puzzle, and that is life equals death at the end... the holy virgin mary lived and like all of those who lived before us, all died, as we will all die someday... sad if you think about it. so the more to cherish, the more to enjoy life as it is in any state, sad or happy...and the more not to take life for granted...

humans please their God in unimaginable ways since the very beginning of time, sacrificing lives to their perceived deities. modern homo sapiens search for the best of things to commemorate their love and adoration to God even carving God's image made from body parts of animals that God has created Himself  to give Him the best. such actions are again condemned by others as same others persecute their co-humans on how they show or practice their faith or religion just to earn a buck. i know to each is her or his own. some people think beyond what other's can't. we are all sinners. we stumble but we learn how to get up and ask forgiveness. because you know why we fall from God's grace? we are just humans not a God who in infallible, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. we are not God who is everything or all in one. so there you go. we criticize, we judge others, we think lowly of them...some of us but  not all of us. i think we need to pause and start to think of our own lives as a start because how we may perceive ourselves is the opposite on how others may perceive us which is sad to say is typical nowadays. we think highly of ourselves but others do not put us in that pedestal of golden laurels which we wrongly imagine ourselves to be. although we can't control others, we can control ourselves. so as long as in our own perception, God knows that we are good then i think we are good to go, safe and in the right track for other's really do not know us for sure. they have misconceptions of who we are, but that's how life goes sometimes...

and why do we love Jesus, His mother and His company?

we won't be able to see the light of day, the miracles of life
we won't be able to think, to be passionate of what everyone of us does
we won't be able to see other worlds, other cultures, other lands
we won't be able to sing, to live, to write poems, to love
and to have our loving relatives and family around us

we are able to smile because of Him
we are able to live in the country of our dreams
we are able to breath fresh air, enjoy the view
walk by the beach, be dazzled by the mountains and the trees
but most of all we can be whatever we want
if only we believe in the power of God...

for everything is possible with Him. every dreams will come to reality if we put our faith in Him and i don't have to look further for my life is a testament to that belief. i am living the life that i've imagined. it is not all a bed of roses all the time. it has its ups and downs but at the end of the day i always come to the conclusion that i have it good, i am blessed, i am very lucky. all the stars lined up for me when i needed them most. yes, i feel guilty at times but given the chance i will make other lives like mine... now at this moment, not a lot that i'd helped in my book but it is my goal to change that into more, only it takes a little longer. in the meantime my profession of helping people will suffice for now, my job is a dedication to humanity, that i'm very proud of. thanks to God and my benefactor :) i know when we're young and inexperienced with life, we do stupid things but not to worry for as we grow older wisdom will come in handy. we become less critical of others, we learn to accept things that we can not change. we are more in tune to the world by then... same as fruits when they mature they are sweeter to eat and more tastier to our very discriminating palates...(^&*)...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

passion for plants, ferns and flowers


and my garden blooms...

greens for jades
pinks and purples for fades
yellows for the present
what will be next...

the colorful natural lovely paints of a garden, will be next and that's it :)...i know nobody cares but this is my on line blog and i do care, that's all that matters... (^&*)... for really now, nobody cares anymore, right? wrong. some people care for their passion even no one does and the challenge is to keep that passion burning, either passion for cars, like jay leno :) i'd like to have that beast replica mini presidential car that our president gave him... or passion for writing, hmn, writing bungled so called poems like i have here ;0... and maybe passion for the beach, music, the arts. yes! we are just mere look out geeks for the passions of others. but that's how we learn to know about other humans, their world where we could pick up some inspirations and use it for our very own advantage, sad in a way... we do not have uniqueness or our own identity for we are copy cats? but if we can do it better for humanity's sake, why not? and my ultimate passion is not being realized, yet... and that is to aid a life, more life so to speak... maybe until then i should keep quiet... so the journey moves on... every waking hours we are consumed of things to do and things to come... things to leave behind and things that go with our travels in life... each life's experiences we learn, each times of the past speaks of how we should move on... the world is a carnival full of players. there are clowns, but there are those that are true to their lives... there are sweet people, there are those that are rough...and there are those that are sent by God to give light into our path :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

our holy mother in different takes of art...


in my childhood lots of years ago in the past i remember that at the sawali wall of our old house in the province was the image of our mother of perpetual help. since then lots of help came into our doorsteps and family through her intercessions from our holy Father in heaven. you just have to ask, pray and believe for anything is possible with God...and He always provide... i know i scare people of my faith but definitely it is not weird to love your God and your saviour. it should be in the top most of our list of to do in life...

God had spoken...

you wonder why the day will come after dark with the sun in tow
you wonder why there is a moon and the stars when the sun will bid adieu
you wonder why there are birds and mountains in browns or coated with greens
you wonder why there are steps to take in the ladder of our timed life on earth

you wonder what other people thinks behind those closed curtains
you wonder how their minds work in every puzzle created
for certain God knows all of these even our deepest secrets
sinners or saints, devils or angels no one can hide in God's gaze...

neither You nor I can resurrect the dead for only God can... only God can cast judgement to all of us humans for He created us... "let him be who without sin, cast the first stone" Jesus said once upon a time... if you think lowly of others, think and pause again for those whom you might have taken as the scraps of the earth are sent by Him from up above for reasons beyond your human comprehension to understand. you'll never know the reason of their presence, treat them well and have respect. for anything that comes from our mouth is who we are, anything that we judge others with will be used to judge us... as the pen is a mighty tool of benevolence but equally as well the pen is the cause of humans' downfall...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

i closed the book...

i closed the book that i was reading before
the pages were torn and the story
just do not interest me anymore
i reached a rope and fastened it around
so that the book would never be
opened up by anyone

same as in life when tears are rolling down
i wipe the sadness that
is keeping in my mind
it isn't worth the time of counting cuts
for it will bleed more and more
and the blood will all be gone

i closed the door that the charmer
was standing once
not to be opened again for
the tricks are no more fun
i said goodbye, good riddance
please be gone
for no more laughter here
when you're around

with its passing days of our lives
we want a more productive days for once
where you're not being used
taken advantage of and abused
and no religious persecution
that's doled out into your nose...