Saturday, December 22, 2012

o holy night...

may the spirit and joy of Christmas be with us all...

and the night smiled...

it wasn't that it is balmy and bright
nor because of carols that we delight
it wasn't for relatives and friends that hover all
who drinks and dances with eager soles and shoes

and certainly not for the decorative fruitcake
and flickering xmas fir tree in the yard
it is because it's the birthday of Jesus, our saviour
and lord, the prince of peace and the son of God

our dear redeemer who suffered, died and
was crucified in that holy cross that is so divine
now is the time to reminisce and to give thanks
now is the time to express our unending love

for without our faith that guides us through thick and thin
without the holy trinity the bedrock of our faith
we are all then travelers without a map devoid of light
who will be lost and won't stand tall at the winds of turmoil...

per records kept the oldest woman on earth or the second? had just recently passed away at a whopping 116 years old. i wanna know her secret :> she should have kept a journal in the Internet where a lot of us has access so we know precisely what to do. and that will still be a lifetime for me if i can perfect her set records ...(^&*)... and now according to her 77 year old son, his mom was a teacher who minds her own business and gardens :) the reason of her longevity. maybe, but good genes and what you eat are also major factors. irene, my 70 year old RN co-worker has a mom who is turning 100 next year. she still lives alone and do volunteer work in the hospital. hmn, maybe she could beat the Guinness book of records. my mom is now 84 and still lucid and kicking :) she is very active and a vegetarian. my dad smoked and drunk which most males do in pinas, he died at 60. my rich spanish virgin mary look alike benefactor's husband died at 60 as well. everyday before dinner he drank frozen san miguel beers served in embroidered covered glass.

long years, long life, long journey

the stick must be so long
that it can reach the moon
the garden was always alive
making the roses swoon

every spring, summer and fall
through winter the leaves stuck
the green canopy of forever
made the birds sing and dance...