Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Colors of my Life

Rainbow like I'd like to believe
Black when I'm sad, and red
When blood begin to drip, that's when I'm upset

Pink when I'm in love
Which I try to make it every day of my life
A smile for the blind, but a pout for the bad

Violets and purples in between
This is when I think green
For security of my table and my plate

But I love pink, the best
I'm reminded of love and the sacrifice with it
That giving without anything in return

That laughter when your love ones are indeed in great shape :)

Now that is what I called an inspired poem, but to make it clear it's just for me and to nobody else except for God who is always reading it :> and while I'm at it, a big "pink" color for you up there, which means I love YOU. I share, I give the things that I like and love to the "source" of what is me and what I am :) For to Him, a poem in whatever form does not matter either in pink, in black or colorless. For He understands. He accepts us without malice without qualms, without hate but only love. And that is just forever pink for me :> which means love :)