Sunday, December 29, 2013

the longest road to goodbye...

the wind of change is over
the door is closed at last
time slowly ticked away
the destination is at hand

how long it took to get here
the count is lost in the sky
it went across in zigzag roads
as the roar of the car stopped

as heavy foot alight
the renaissance has come
new path, a new direction
it took awhile to find...

happy new year everyone!!! to get into another year is always a blessing. thank God :)

Dad Divine

Frosted flakes in that window pane,
Sturdy stems of evergreens,
Wind swept shadow in my window glass,
Peeping softly, and as silent
As my beating heart...

that is my dad, visiting :) he passed away love ones who have left us, we longed for their presence again as it was before esp. during the holiday season for we longed for their love back. but that won't ever happen again, in my dad's case at least... although still i get teary eyed when i remember my dad, life went by for the past 26 years without him. he'll be very happy if he is alive today... cheers! papang :) wished you had seen america but it wasn't meant to be. mamang did so i should be happy with that...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

autumn leaves, parting leaves...


one favorite song, autumn leaves, newell oler...

what colorful way to depart
in reds, yellows
burgundies and browns

down to the ground
caressing the land
sleep, deep sleep

never to wake up
never to walk
never to stand

in life again...

the sadness of life. we are here today but gone tomorrow. we play today but eventually we don't. we smile today but we will cause sadness when we go and leave this world forever, like fallen leaves, the irony. where memories will be the only one left of us. like the passing of the years. never will it comeback. it is always moving forward. but in spite of it all life is beautiful. in it we experienced love, joy, tears and goodbye... i know what somber thoughts to start the new year... but we need to take the good with the bad for that's reality. no games, no magic, just simply the truth...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

christmas and the poor

the rich will think
of handbags and diamonds
the poor will think
more of food, shelter
and hopes

will the sun come out
with its rays tomorrow
or a dreadful cyclone
that wipes the earth
with its gale force wind

you'll be lucky if
you live in a country like mine
who will catch you
as you drop on the ground
who will guide you as you

stand again and try to walk the harsh reality of life...

although to be poor is not only defined in monetary terms. to be poor financially is truly a burden that only us that is touched by it would know first hand. those of us that experienced financially devastating problems will be humbled by it. those of us who rode that path hoped for a way out and there is always that painful path that points towards that direction. taking care of a disabled family member will send you to your knees financially. it is not shameful to be poor, what is shameful is to steal what is not ours and to live off of what we did not earn by our sweat and tears. although you won't fully understand what is really like to be truly poor if you did not experience it or if you weren't in our shoes. i'm glad that we have now a caring pope who cares and loves the poor for he was there in flesh and was exposed to it firsthand before. the time's person of the year, 2013...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

God of all...

perpetual help... perpetual love... perpetual birthday... the nativity scene at the shrine of the little flower catholic church taken by JC in his cell phone last 12-28-2011... our mother and Jesus, a www image, thank you :)

perpetual always

as the tide of the ocean recedes
and the eclipse of the sun subsides
as the phase of the moon wanes
you'll stay forever for you're eternal

you're as perpetual as the planet turns
and as green as the grass of spring
you're as sweet as the birds of summer's tweet
and as gentle as the movement of the summer breeze

forever as eternity will take
as far as the heaven's lair
or as deep as the ocean's floor
and as far as our faith will go

as the journey of our lives continues
us dodging the devil's clutch
saving us from satan's path
moving us into the divine's heart...

yup, since the very beginning of my life on earth i am surrounded with the divine who... get this, "who always saves me from the devil" :)... Jesus, Mary, our mother of perpetual help, san vicente, san lorenzo, santo tomas, mount carmel, our lady of fatima... so i can never say thank you enough. they see what i can not see, read hearts which i can not do and steer me away from the grips of satan. my life really has been divinely touched like many other christian lives have been, that i concluded a long time ago :) so i always wonder what my old self can do or offer in exchange. that's the next chapter of my life that i plan to create and i can only hope for God's blessings for its fulfillment and its fruition for the framework has already been started. aid a life, be a blessing and a joy to others, that simple. no insults just constructive criticisms that hopefully will make other lives better. so far so good :)

the scent of love, death and birth

we wasted our days
with the horizon beyond
we forgot to live for the present
we wonder why time passed by
so quick as a bullet on a fly

gone, goodbye, sayonara
caught in a whirlpool of hope
false reality as illusions rule
magic, malaise, memories
and more

perfume of love was it?
mesmerizing truly was not
rosaries, bibles, smiles
letters, life, lost loves
it went sour, free at last...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

born to save, to love & to make miracles


paintings of the nativity and the visit of the three kings inside a london catholic church's wall, painter unknown...

anyone that you know
who is adored a billion times
anyone that you know
who is revered countless of times

the world will stop to work
the planet will begin to shine
the universe will dole out love
and give presents to everyone

all because of one baby born
humbly in a manger one starry night
the king of kings came
bells and whistles none

the prince of peace the lord of all
has set an example for us
birthdays with no much ados
and without any extravagance...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

live day by day...

live day by day
rest night by night
capture the sun's rays
in the palm of your hands

only for a number of years
only for a cluster of decades
our life on earth is measured
there is the end that will come next

you thought life runs forever
that is a big error
life is here now
tomorrow it maybe not

young or old are even
life is a great equalizer
for death will touch us all
sooner or later

not death drop by drop
like the petals of a music plant
it is life one by one
now until it's gone...

with that somber thought merry christmas everyone... happy b-day baby Jesus :) your life, your birth and your death are chronicled for us to emulate through out our life time...

there are memories made with music...

it is a fool's paradise, sometimes. it makes one teary eyed, die or live just for a moment or for a lifetime. it is a second language, a not so silent expression of the inner spirit. it is sad at night, playful or happy at daylight, fancy free in the evening. music is an art, a tool, or a gift bestowed to composers and to the listening public. it is where sorrows are drowned, yesterdays are forgotten and futures are planned. although it is a fool's paradise half of the times, it is also as serious as a beating heart when it tells the story of human lives, loves and the likes... so my question is what do my parents were thinking then when they named me after music ;? for i could be a rose, a mary, or july ;) ...mary jo, mary rose. yup, the names i like :>

fool's paradise that we make

it could be a dream unreached
a music unwritten
it could be a mountain unclimbed
or works undone

but it could also be hopes
or oceans' floors unswum
a sky so high

unconquered in our lifetime...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

new year, new chapter, new dawn, new day

i don't read a book
but i open its pages
glance at the paragraphs
decipher it for once

i can fairly tell
if it's a boom or a bust
no need to waste your time
and your precious eyes

so many books to
run down your hands
so many silk pages
to play with your palms

books come alive with the pulse
with the warmth of a beating heart
coming to haunt you more
until you can't put it down

no need to read more books
for our lives are enough
its passing days and seconds
are fine leaves that need tuning up...

new year is an alibi to be a better person for our own selves and for human kind in general. but just as promises are meant to be broken and dreams are skeletal framework of the mind, without reality and without its fruition, it would belong to fiction or an illusion or write ups that are just made to earn a buck. new years are also points in time to examine ourselves. am i a better christian, a better human being, a better this and that? for me God knows i always try. sometimes i'm a failure, sometimes i'm a winner, sometimes i'm in between. but i try not to regress to a lesser version. i always strive to climb the ladder and be very careful not to fall down to status quo. we're suppose to grow up at the sun's rays and play with the wind to reach our full potential. enough said, let's start doing things for real for words are empty if not followed up by deeds...all of us knew this...

this almost past year is a step up. even though you're old you learn something new everyday. i learned to let go of grudges, of disappointments. i think about the pluses this year gave me. i thank God for the life that i have. it was not handed to me on a silver platter for i earned it and worked hard for it. yes there are downfalls but it certainly had its high points. thanks to google for making it possible to unleash my inner self and have a space here to record my thoughts. i google, i gmail and i am a blogger. i'm not on twitter, i don't have to for i tweet a lot here anyway. i don't do face book for my face can't qualify to be in a book page. with that merry christmas everyone, to the few who knows this spot. plus have a wonderful and a blessed new year :) let's not forget the reason for christmas and it is Jesus. He is love, He is forgiveness, He is the gift that is constantly giving. He makes miracles happen into our lives. i believe for i am a recipient. i believe for i am living it...