Wednesday, October 31, 2007
posting positively
your head
is the great glory
of your lifetime
from your lips
is a sacred sign
of the divine
negativity, suspicion
are dead demons
as lie and deceit
doom your day
is not deceiving
and losing is
faith drowning you
to win is not to lose
to win a deal is coming close
to harvest gold is doing good
being nice and honestly bold
for to lie is to die
in that hot satanic fire
and to grab means to lose
the one that you ever wanted up close :)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Spooky Squirrel
We were talking about rabbits today in the car as we went out, J.C. and me, to buy pumpkins and treats for Halloween. This boy cracked me up with a story that a friend of his has this rabbit who had 36 babies and he wants to buy one of them. As I've told you rabbits pre-occupy his mind always so when we see squirrels like this one at the church' grounds, he started bugging me again about this pet. Now I asked what's the most a rabbit can have in babies and he said quickly, "easily over 100, mom" What? that many? now that is just too much, I said, laughs. But he said he did his research. Just amazing, and he said, oats and fruits are their food. Oh well. Too much little rabbits just from one, I think. Did you see the red eye of this creature? Spooky, and all just for some camera trick or rather mistake. Hmn,last month we saw a brown rabbit in our backyard at dusk, maybe we can just catch that, laughs. 40 dollars are what they cost here and 4 dollars in the Phil. so I think it's cheaper there, and his uncle has a wide, wide space of a place and a nice hidden garden of a pond with waterfall in New Manila near that former Boracay mansion of Erap. The rabbit will have a ball there of a house I mean :) So to escape buying a rabbit for him, I said that the Phil. is a better place for his future pet, laughs. No winter too :)
CLICK the last pic, to see the RED EYE :)
New Beginnings after Goodbyes
the door is closed and shut
the room is empty and bare
just memories floating in the air
Life changes so fast
today is sad and only yesterday
was filled with all that smiles
now those happy days had passed
Tomorrow is a different day
the sun will shine again brightly
where laughter, joy and hope
will be there for us to behold...
This is optimistically speaking of course :) but really it's your own preference, you can be sad if you want to, but for me I always try to be happy. It's hard at times I know but at least I chose to live it in accordance to my given name's meaning of joy, believe it or not. Yeah, sometimes it is very difficult but I would rather be smiling than pouting, laughs. Oh well.
Monday, October 29, 2007
death is silence
you don't have to pretend
quiet without motion
skin clammy and cold
rigid, stiff, a body
ready to decompose
eyes shut closed
never to roam
like bridges burned
no one can run
like trust that's broken
faith all gone
lost and forgotten
it will be soon
except for true love ones
who visit once
life is lost
so is great love
like sunny days
turned into dark
rest in peace
you beautiful soul
with unforgotten smiles
we've captured you
for all eternity
till our last breath on earth
beyond that blessed place
we call heaven of happiness
it's all saints' day one more time...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
we are all, one
and friends who help you a lot
the mother who brought you up
and strangers that pass you by
we are one, we are all inter-related
joined by our great Father
we came from Him none other
His creations, in this world
art is the way he made us
from Eve and from Adam
at garden of Eden of eternal love
they lived and saw paradise
we're sisters we're brothers
we're all lovers and related
we're friends that would be better
so in our hearts there won't be the devil... :)
always present
never ever absent
the wind is always blowing
inside mine and inside your chest
live, long live the sky
the planet, the universe
the galaxy beyond
alive, encircling, till the end of time
this you can count on
this you can bet on
that it will be there
that it's still there even when we're gone
not unless God decides
that it's time to pass
that it's time to pack up
this earth, this only universe, His created paradise... :)
Friday, October 26, 2007
smooth, silent rides
the river isn't wild
the water is calm
your boat ride has begun
quiet sailing, silent and upright
except for a few rubs against
the wind against the sun's shine
the boat was made perfect
by diligent experts
you're lucky and blessed
with this one you've possessed
good job that's the message
on this nice equipment
keep it dearly and better love it :)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Seeking mercy and pardon
Human life is the greatest treasure. Then come love ones and our health. Life is but once, hope we live it right, and seek the right path even how sad and difficult, that is...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Thanks for the Magic
all heads spun with awe
all that unreal, untrue
these tricks you showed us to
you're the best, the only pro
Illusions reigned in the air
even children's ears were there
like music it sounds so real
it captures it penetrates
but only in our dreams
Anyway, thanks for the memories
you've captured us in every way
a passing light a torch so hot
all that time as we watched
all that time while we glanced
A magic which is just that
reality which is was not
just mirages in our minds
just illusions luring us
to be always mesmerized
It's too good to be true
it's only our imaginations we know
but for us it's magic unsurpassed
that it almost caught us alive
but suddenly we did wake up
To tell the difference
that it's just magic in the air
unreal, untrue and merely make-believe...
For the love of baseball
One night the living one heard his name being called by his friend who already died. He can't believe that his friend came back bringing him the answer. The dead friend said to him, I have good and bad news for you, my friend. Okay, give my the good news first, said the living friend. So the friend continued, "In heaven baseball is being played, by the young us, we never get old. We never get tired so we can play this game all over again and again as long as we want" said the visiting dead friend of his. Now his friend was all smiles, happy that there is baseball in heaven. Now what is the bad news? he asked. His dead visiting friend hesitated at first and then gently told him, "you'll be pitching in Tuesday"
This story was told at mass today by the officiating priest :)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
silence after a firestorm
and so is the night
warm is the breeze
that touched a hand
you see no one
at a quick glance
you see no living soul
to warm a heart
no voice nor song
no sounds of life
just complete silence
as you stand
to look around
to understand
to try to measure out
what had transpired...
when nothing is left
one dearly cherished
swept by the wind
all turned into ashes
flashes of fire
dark embers of light
so devastating it
killed a life
hopes of the past
down to the ground
forever silenced now
without a chance
piles of dark ashes
all there is left
of all the memories
one's life possessed
will there be light
at dawn or dusk
will there be hope
to pump a heart
will there be a smile
laughter and love
as a replacement
to these, gutted by fire...
Gone with the Smoke
What is happening now in those fires is a clear display of the uncertainties in life. Here today, but gone tomorrow. Things, life and the likes. And it's a form of terrorism of the spirit. Now this made me think, shall I blame mother nature, global warming or really a true act of terrorism? After all, 12 fires burning simultaneously is kinda fishy. Hmn. Could it happen without human help? That is another question to ponder and who knows if we will ever get the rightful answer to this nagging puzzle. Probably not. So sad, really...
Monday, October 22, 2007
A Beautiful Beach
And we went to check Puerto del Sol bec. it was not that far. Yeah, the amenities were great and somewhat comparable to those offered by state side resorts, but, I wasn't happy with these coconut trees obstructing my view of the ocean, not good if you ask me. I came to see the sea, but it seems like it was intentionally hidden from me, laughs. Sooo I did not like it. But if you're a lover of privacy then it is for you :> It was okay, don't get me wrong. Nice but I was irked by the absence of the ocean in my view as seen in those beautiful cottages. I am for Patar beach, it's more beautiful there and I mean more here :> The view of the sea is endless here as far as your eyes can see. Endless serenity, endless peace as your gaze is fixed on its hypnotic waves as they splashed on the white sand shore. I will be here forever if I can chose a place to be in. It makes you reflect about life, about things that are bothering you. It makes my heart rest in peace :) And besides, it's for the poor like me and it's for the public. I love that. Mingling with people that I belonged to, no kidding :) For you know, Puerto del Sol is only for the haves... not that I can't afford to be there, but why be in a place where you won't be happy? Now that is the question...
Now I Know
"I Will Always Love You" this song was written and dedicated to this man by Dolly Parton, per this DJ, as I was listening to my car radio on my way home today. Very sweet, indeed. A very memorable love song, I think so... even that DJ from 100.3 WNIC said so...although sad, but yes, lovely and very nice to listen to :)
See? I'm right... music is the language of the inner soul and of the unseen spirit. It mesmerizes and it captivates. This man I bet is deserving of such a wonderful melody. Hmn, also a good tune for your lady love, wife, or sweetie or cutie pie :> but...the wordings or lyrics revised, of course. (^_~)...
Autumn is awesome...taken yesterday :)
After work, after mass and J.C.'s Bell Choir Sunday session at church, the weather was warm and sunny, not that chilly fall weather that we usually get. So out we went to get some pretty fall shots. Leaves are a changin' at this time of year. Autumn's spell is in progress :) Beautiful! :>
Wow, I wonder how many ladies want my expression of glee, joy or happiness like this (:>) on this blog, laughs. I bet there will be one :? out there somewhere. Although, I never called myself a lady of luxury anywhere for I'm a poor working woman, laughs. Oh well. And tsk! My tongue can't be controlled at other times for I can't even say or give the English language its rightful sound, laughs. Like 'folks' for example, that is a very bad slip up, laughs. But hey, I never claimed myself to be perfect. So now you know that I allow myself the 'luxury?' of bad sounds. For who cares anyhow? Nada, err no one, not even me :>
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Miracle Indeed
Okay, time to lighten up :)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The Scent of a Rose
Sweet, pure and peaceful enveloped your vicinity
Sacrifice, selfless, giving and loving described your day
Even in the twilight, at the sunset, you've given without pay
A hugging heart, a warm and a caring blood
A tireless body always is, you've got
A rose of love, a caring soul full of sacrifice
The sky, the heaven will smile up above
Rosa Rosal, you're a hero in disguise
Rosa Rosal, an exemplary soul, so nice
I don't know you but I admire you a lot
For you've live a life of worthy and trust...
Jaded Journey
spiked with thorns
so sharp it hurts
it caused a tired
two feet to bruise
they bleed and drained
like water's pouring rain
until the drought stopped
with hopes of plants
to sprout again
the tears slowly dripped
upon that stoic face
the salty taste of pain
that numbed an empty
heart so pale
the smile you
turned your back at
the sun that
pulled your heart
the wishes, wants, desires
the gifts you longed to have
the present of today
forever lost and gone
not ever coming back
to smile and warm
your heart
it's been a long jaded journey
unhappy, not joyful, but sad...
A Mesmerizing Melody
And yeah, it's now or never. Do whatever makes you happy and makes you smile and makes you a person of substance. For today is only what we have that is guaranteed. No need to explain more just turn your TV on. The end comes unexpectedly at times, sad...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
For balance
World War III?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Just that... figments of the imagination
Caught in a lie
knocked at my door
shoulders full of bag
filled with goodies and all
Smooth words at play
plus a wide smile you see
buy these it's perfect
to make your life easier and fit
You let him into the house
offered him a drink a cup
with amazement you stopped
what ever that preoccupied your mind
Products of truth you bought
but when you used them it brought
disappointments, of no use
did not deliver you the goods
My, my, my, what a sham
that your life had become
you've been played upon
by a smooth talking illusionist, a magician...
Tsk! what a poem, if I can call it that, laughs. But it happens all the time in our lives. We caught people in despicable lies. It makes us sad, unhappy, but better late than never, meaning, at least you're not being played upon for the rest of your life :)
rolling with the paper punches
a paper roll in print
everyday I read you
to be informed
to be entertained
one special day I saw
an article or two
different, misgiving
living a life of its own
it's home, or is it?
funny, the joker
is getting wild
somber the serious mind
is seething, soaking
not misbehaving, of course
the thin, the transparent
light skin spins
clothed artificially
its beauty is just
clinging in lotions
rubbed in outer skins
now come and play
edge up, but play free
play fair and never cheat
hold your cards
keep them in your chest
for no products of beauty
to be precise, to be exact
will win you laurels
in the eyes of the best
the one up above, the great
so play, be fair, be honest
never, never cheat
stand up, be honest
don't play in despair
don't cut your skin or hair
never in front of your customers
where they can see your trick
keep it in high secret
where only you, yourself will ever know
except your very own conscience, there... :)
Monday, October 15, 2007
wanted: a sunny smile :)
the clouds above are dark
they're filled with rain
like rivers' running water
down cascading from a hill
how cold is the day today
the icy patch of road
with ice sheets shining
aiming at your toes
numb, frozen and stiff
summer left after spring
autumn's gone, winter reigned
fireplaces, stoves, gloves
heat that hugs, heat that warms
as ice had melted inside a chilly heart
look, listen, straight up
fixed that drooping head
light up, put a smile on that face
even how cold and sad
even how rainy this day, was
tomorrow will be a different day
tomorrow might be that warm, sunny
where a smile is out to shine
for a sick spirit that's torn and tried
for a cold heart that's lost, weary and tired...
Changes in a blink of an eye
All day all night the heart can't skip a beat
The earth rotates and spins, the moon orbits
Today after yesterday, tonight followed last night
Awake you must after a sleep so tight
A crying infant before now a restless tot
A teen then when you were just a lad
An adult dear, then a senior how quickly you'd become
The years ran a race as fast as it can
Time traveled to sunset's nest, now empty, gone...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Autumn's Falling Leaves


Different, colorful, full of life
Carpeted floor sparkled with shine
Caught in my eyes, imprisoned in my mind
Pinks, purples, yellows, oranges and reds
Still on ground quietly undisturbed
Sun's shine left, it dimmed the sky
All gone scattered, light out and died
Skeleton trees, no more greens no more life
Only bare sticks, barks, all dark and brown
Lost, gone and would never come back
Except in spring but that still far
Meanwhile I close and shut my eyes
Dreaming of bright days all through and cut
Rainbow like silhouettes, leaves of sparkle so bright
That once adorned and playfully colored my heart...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Nobel Peace Prize for Al Gore
Unseen Sparkle, that is God
Drive and navigate the roads till I die
There are days when the clouds are up above
There are nights when the moon can't be seen and so the stars
Once a tornado started to form and the winds began to howl
Once a snow storm with golf ball size hail tried to blow the roof
Force of nature, mother of all creature, God
Spare me your fury, so strong and wild
Although there are days when the sun shines so bright
When the moon up above beams its glorious light at night
When all the stars glitter and the universe connive
To give a present causing a heartwarming smile
The clock begins to tick as a newborn is born
The earth begins to spin for him or her, a life unfurl
The highways and bi-ways, a heart's galore
Time tested, as a winding stairway is shown
Unseen sparkle, full with amazement and awe
All creatures wonder where are you
Up above, here on earth or in our hearts
We know you're around here helping, loving and guiding us...
Friday, October 12, 2007
Always, thanks for your visit :)

I LOVE YOU ALL! Even if your color is not pink... (^_~)... :) Now I'm really serious and would want to be considered as such, laughs. But humor is me and to be happy is embedded in my name's meaning. So you can call it, "living to my name to the fullest" even if I'm sad or not. For tomorrow I may not be here on this planet earth, so I'd like to spread love instead of the opposite. Better that way, don't you think? You'll be in God's good graces if you do that... or He can forgive you, but why stay on that side if you have the choice to do what is good and what is right... now. To love all your fellowman even if they're black. Now, that is a metaphor, but I know you can figure that out so easily, laughs... Now I wonder if someone will also take me on, in my way of expressing myself in my humble understanding of the English language next, hmn... but go ahead, for I've been there... vilified and can't be tolerated then, so now should not make any much difference ...(^_~)... I can take it, trust me :)
"Make my day"... as said by that famous actor, Clint Eastwood? in that very popular movie. I'll wait or shall I? But bear in mind I'm not a master in that line, although I'm in it everyday. Living it, hearing it in my ears more often than you do, and that is a fact. I'm learning the ropes first hand, in real time. Not copying in books for I was never rich to be able to afford to live in a nearby library or to buy these books so I'm really glad that God planted me here by chance? or by fate? I'd like to believe on the second though... now this is just random thoughts... from a lover of pink gal :) Hope no one minds, but this is my blog so I can write, or do whatever I want and be good is on top :) so you're lucky... water for fire... love for hate, that kind of thing and you know what I mean :> or this is just the beginning of a journey... in the world of a writer scorned? hmn. Hope not, for humility is much more endearing than flaunting what you've got and that is just only a temporary gift anyhow from God, not yours forever to keep, it ends when you die, may I remind you that? although your works will be left behind, but would you like to be remembered as a humble gifted person? or a boastful old intelligent brat? Now don't be mad for I'm old too you know, laughs. Oh well.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Color Coding
The Colors of my Life
Black when I'm sad, and red
When blood begin to drip, that's when I'm upset
Pink when I'm in love
Which I try to make it every day of my life
A smile for the blind, but a pout for the bad
Violets and purples in between
This is when I think green
For security of my table and my plate
But I love pink, the best
I'm reminded of love and the sacrifice with it
That giving without anything in return
That laughter when your love ones are indeed in great shape :)
Now that is what I called an inspired poem, but to make it clear it's just for me and to nobody else except for God who is always reading it :> and while I'm at it, a big "pink" color for you up there, which means I love YOU. I share, I give the things that I like and love to the "source" of what is me and what I am :) For to Him, a poem in whatever form does not matter either in pink, in black or colorless. For He understands. He accepts us without malice without qualms, without hate but only love. And that is just forever pink for me :> which means love :)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Lost in the land of poems
Monday, October 8, 2007
The Warming Globe... the Warning Signs
Sunday, October 7, 2007
The Japan that's in my mind...
Saturday, October 6, 2007
"Ave Maria"
Friday, October 5, 2007
Music is poetry itself...
whispering your name
asking where you'd gone
It fell softly from the clouds
on the silent crowds
as I wandered on
Out of doorways
black umbrellas
came to pursue me
Faceless people as they passed
were looking through me
no one knew me
Yesterday I shut my eyes
face-up to the skies
drinkin' in the rain
But your image still was there
floating in the air
brighter than a flame
Yesterday I saw a city
full of shadows without pity
and I heard the steady rain
whispering your name
whispering your name
"instrumental play"
asking where you've gone
Yesterday I saw a city,
full of shadows without pity
and I heard the steady rain
whispering your name
whispering your name
Without pity...really very unkind strangers can be that. Without knowing us personally, they judge... and we know the rest... so Dionne Warwick sings..."Yesterday I Heard the Rain"
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Desperate not...
And I'm truly happy for Ms. Nora Aunor, her drug case here was totally blown by the wind, just a metaphor of course, but that is just one step won and hopefully the rest will be a win also. Street drug is a menace, a devil in disguise. Hope everyone will recognize that and will always bear this in mind :) Life is precious, life is short. Don't be a victim, be smart...
The Happy Rainbow ROSE

Amazingly WOW!!! I wonder if it could be grown at the end of a rainbow. Definitely my kind of rose :) True or not, laughs. But I think it's a delicately dyed rose as it looks. But hopefully in the "future" I can plant a "true" happy rainbow like colorful rose in my garden. For flowers are "smiles" and "happiness" for me. No kidding. If I will be filthy rich I will surround my house with that big big stereo sound music in that loud speaker blasting my fantastic perfumy flower garden of exploding colors all day long and even at night as well. Imagine Elvis, Newell Oler, Ray Charles, Willie Nelson, Michael Jackson serenading my flowers. That would be terribly entertaining for me, with my soft piano pieces tunes after that. That is second to the beach, the heavens on earth for me as I call it :> Joy for me is just like that, simple and pure, down to earth. And all is natural :) I love nature! It's free, like the forest, the beach and my garden too, of course :) better than diamonds, most definitely. And these stones are very expensive. You're in fashion but broke, not good if you ask me :) It will make your head spin around in a 360 angle, laughs. A dizzying dunk will come after that, not unless you truly own the universe of course, then it's just peanuts for you, laughs. For you are the King of Moolah, would you believe that? laughs.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 a whisper...
flickering, slowly edging beside, coming straight,
flying steadily flapping, wings circling, quietly buzzing beneath
into one's ears and eyes
Night dimly lit in darkness, light in a flash
quick, sudden as in a second, no time to adjust
only a mere fleeting glimpse just a glance
only a missing memory in our minds and hearts
Full of shadows, unburned torch
eyes felt heavy as a heart is torn
as black clouds over cast opened up
as raindrops escaped, tears began to drop
Over a shadowy ghost at the back,
of a temporary spirit finding its way out,
just to be covered by the steadily falling rain,
just to vanish like a shadow and never to be seen again...
As Dionne Warwick sings of the rain in whispers, as it happened yesterday, in a dream, in that pouring rain...
Memories, the favorites...






As a strap gone wild, the bottom pic, just don't click me to enlarge :) a birthday shot, in pink, in smiles, in thoughts and relaxed. That's me with a pink rose, the favorites. Ugly as they are, but it's me, covered, for it's better that way, laughs. So I can't say enough my thanks to this gizmo... the ugly can hide in it, laughs. Truly, but who cares really? only me :> and I got that one right :)