Sunday, January 20, 2008

time to turn the page

she reads you with
all her might
attention to the tilt
wide spanned
riding with the clouds
all smiles
but it turned out
it's all sadness
in disguise

books that come your way
don't judge them until
you read them
all the way
for all you know
the title outside
are just the front
of no substance
of no meaning
and of no life inside

now you've learned
your lessons well
hope for smiles
and don't you
drown again
whose fault is it
it's you to blame
you believed it all
those lies and all that
sweet nothings... :)

laughs. what a sad story, but somewhat funny. but it's time to see the light. to look for a book that's worth the time...(^_~)...yes, mesmerized with similes and metaphors...wake up now, you wouldn't want to be caught dreamily floating asleep in those clouds, or would you? :)