I've been in this country for exactly half of my entire life and there is no other time that i remember that politics is so heated than today. an African American man and a woman are there on the stage ready to claim the presidency given the luck and the chance, marking a historic moment in politics here. Hillary or Obama? yup Obama is ahead in delegates count right now, thanks to the help of republican masked as independent voters. they voted for Obama with the thought that he is easier to beat than Hillary eventually when the race is on to the presidency. he, Obama won on red states here meaning the republican territories comes general election time. twisted politics, a scheme concocted to bag the prize. but you know as they say nothing happens without God's will or permission. even what kind of impediments or insurmountable odds going against our way. if it is meant to be it will happen but if it isn't then it won't, that's my belief. so whatever i wish or want i pass it on to God and He decides for me, then i accept wholeheartedly whatever outcome or verdict is there for me :) this way i won't be that much disappointed, and i won't have that much of a heartache. smart of me? nope, it's just passing it to the one that knows what's best for me, God :) that is the way, that is my way in navigating my own life in this earth. i ask and i hope that doors will be opened for me :) it had already. yes, it had...so a proven right strategy with results for me... really, God is good and loves us all. all we have to do is have faith, trust and believe in Him :)
so Hillary don't lose hope. there is no high mountain to climb if God is with you for it will happen. just pray hard :)