i needed flowers to console me for the government backed 30 billion? USD Bear Stearns' bail out. the elite is saved again by their cohorts of same kind who's in power and his name is called Bush. while 2 million homeowners here who are losing their homes due to foreclosures are set aside, ignored and left out. what kind of government is this. i know it's government of the worst kind who can't accept that this country is not only in recession but in dire depression. well, comes November i hope voters will wake up and realize this and give their votes to Hillary, for it's "the economy stupid" the reason or that popular slogan when the elder or dad Bush lost his bid for second term to Bill Clinton :) one can claim that reason again for the win and it will be lady Clinton's win this time :) I'm crossing my fingers to it. wake up America, it's time. I'm beginning to think that there are none thinking people out there...the signs are flashing brightly in front of our very eyes but still we can't see...talk about having eyes that can't see here. it's like a bird with big wings but can't fly. useless, gosh! sorry, but it's true...