Friday, March 21, 2008

taking a closer look... friends and foes. Bill Richardson, the present governor of New Mexico and one of the presidential aspirants who lost, where Hillary and Obama were the only two remaining now, he, Bill Richardson who had close ties with the Clintons then. his career was opened up by the former president then and now he had the nerve or the gall to endorse Barack Obama today. this man had favors received from the Clintons like positions in government where he himself had prospered and had been known in the country and all over the world bec. of it. Sec. of Energy and Ambassador to the U.N. and now this. A stab behind the back to his former boss by not endorsing his wife, see even you do favors to people never expect anything in return for you will be disappointed. He said Obama will be a trail blazer sort of like that, i just made it better sounding but Hillary will be that too. The first woman president. If Obama will win the democratic nomination and then the U.S. presidency, hello middle east you won too. He after all was against the war in Iraq, he did not vote for it. Bec. maybe his dad was a Muslim and he has affinity to his Muslim brothers out there. But that is only my humble opinion. I did not say it is wrong, but whom do you favor when push comes to shove, your place of birth? your countrymen? or the enemy? and his vote clearly is a tell tale sign of which sides he is taking. and this is only the beginning? I hope not but the sign is out. If you are push to a tight space or spot the inner you will come out like Obama did and some other people that i knew of and maybe you or me too. The truth will come out with what we do in any form or in any shape. I hope I'm wrong but am I? that is the question. Ladies and gents we don't even have to ask the question for the answer is blaring out loudly in our ears and spelled precisely right infront of our eyes to see. that only the dumb and only the ones that are in denial refuse to see. accept or acknowledge it for i'm sure i got this one right, laughs. oh well. it's hard to swallow, yup, but we need to face the music sometimes and this is the time. so for Hillary :>
and yes, there are people out there that do not know how to say thank you to favors done to them, not that you expect them to but as an act of courtesy. but here he is, Bill Richardson even went on stage endorsing the other side who just inspired him bec. of his inspiring speech about race that touched him to the bones, laughs. well, looking at him i see a traitor with a beard. he could have kept silent and never favored anyone but to bite the hands of those that feed you i think is just unacceptable here. no go, no nod for me. a thumbs down for him, sorry. i admire loyalty and i am for loyal people. true that they say that you can barely count with your hands your true friends. you are very lucky indeed if you have one who will be there for you in time of need and he didn't rose up to this occasion. instead he jumped loyalties. what a man, indeed! no wonder he was a loser in the presidential race. he does not have that loyalty needed to be a good president and God knows it. undeserving as i see it, sorry, again. but it's very true. will you do that to people that opened up the doors for you? i meant who gave him these positions. his answer was he served the American people well. but who put you there in the first place? one good example of walang utang na loob here and yes folks they are well and alive here in the U.S. as well...
yeah, some nasty stuffs might have happened in between but to endorse the opponent of your benefactor in life is beyond my comprehension. it's just not the thing that good hearted people will do. so on second look he did himself a disfavor here in the eyes of inquiring people like me. hope we're not a lot. but that is just a mere drop in the bucket. for what will God think of him? that is the question...and yes he served well but he needed to be put in those positions first to be able to serve. i don't think he got that part or understands it, for if he did he won't be in front of that mike and glaring cameras beside the other camp saying to the whole world that he is a better candidate than Hillary. what a show indeed, one that is not nice to watch in my point of view. but i support Hillary so you can say I'm biased but i think I'm right though bec. he showed that he is one of those that Bill Clinton should not given these cabinet positions in the first place. will you if you are in his shoes? now that he knew that he can't be relied upon to stick with you comes thick and thin. the former president must be shaking his head at this moment. but that's reality. we meet these kinds sometime in our lifetime as well. my dad did and i clearly remember that and him. it does not bring good feelings and good memories. it's simply just sad...