Wednesday, December 19, 2007


i knocked on your door
and YOU opened it up
I walked on your stairs
and YOU guided me
with your hands
not only that...
you gave me shelter
and food to fill
my ever hungry

YOU are the sun
that warmed my heart
YOU are the light
that shined on my path
YOU are the bridge
that i walked upon
to reach my destination
this glorious land

YOU are the wind
that propelled my wings
YOU are the engine
that drove my fate
YOU are the spring
where pure water is drawn
to quest my thirst
that filled my soul

YOU are the song
that brought a smile
YOU are the author
for the most part
of my life
YOU are the spirit
that is so kind
YOU are an angel
sent by God

YOU gave me happiness
and so much hope
that i forever cherish
in my heart and
held up close

YOU meant so much to me
YOU are the sea and the sky combined
YOU are the sunshine in my life, as
YOU will be the glorious sunset
that I'll forever admire :)

this poem is for the most memorable person in my life :)

New Year is almost here. next year I'd like to see a US woman president, but even i will vote for Hillary, how come i feel that she won't win, hope I'm wrong. and to a favorite pinay actress, i feel also that she and her beloved are not meant to be, just a feeling, but i might be wrong like GMA being widowed, laughs, but...