Wednesday, November 14, 2007

the view... my window, today. turned golden leaves of a maple tree and turned browned leaves of the sycamore tree. then, balls, yes plenty of balls will be hanging out in these branches. the same seeds that were flewn by an apollo mission out to that sky. hmn, with so many seeds around these are the annointed ones, kinda, sorta the chosen ones :> it must be some kind of seeds these are, laughs...oh well. you knew that my dell computer with that vista thing is near my window with a view :) the only thing is my blog can't be seen for i forgot to turn the lights on. sorry, for you missed my very own yellow sunflower, my wallpaper. i meant to show you that. but it doesn't mean to be and i refused to re-shoot :> and don't forget to pause my blog music or else you can hear "two" same song in play...a not so nice of a tune for your ears, believe me :>