Wednesday, November 28, 2007
after all the laughter and the tears
time spent went like a pouring rain
it flowed, it dripped, it drained
been together through the years
inspite the problems and the pains
fought, smiled and reconciled
till the time has come to part
days went by bathed by the sun
happiness was here but now it's gone
sadness soared over joy in our hearts
as cold nights took over covered us
no more left to say as silence reigned
dark universe prevailed and poised to win
love was not enough to keep us in
together for always as we planned then
be lovers or friends it's hard to part
to end a life that we used to have
death as despicable now must come
in relationships whatever that was
goodbyes, adios taste bitter as bile
closing a door behind, that's painfully hard
tho' think about the dawn of days to come
not spent in darkness, a liberation, that is freedom :)
goodbyes are means of opening doors to a much more meaningful hellos...
Monday, November 26, 2007
one and first, 12-21-'07
fast as a soaring jet above
above those clouds so thick
thick as a mind can't predict
predict a one year of words
words that jot down a world
world of a fleeting life
life that is all but timed
timed eyes that stalk and peek
peek in an invisible streak
streak of technology that hide
hide a face in this wide universe
universe that see them as real
real but behind the veil
veil of anonymosity like tricks
tricks like magic not real
real but only in your eyes
eyes that can't see for it's blind
blind to the sights and sounds
sounds of a wandering heart
heart that writes what it's like
like an ocean, that endless vast
vast that travels far and wide
wide as this earth can provide
one not two but first
first if you count in numbers
numbers that fire a math
math which counts a record
a record that jots down a life
a life of ranks in one's eyes
eyes of one person like me
me that wants to greet my first year anniversary!
"happy b-day M&M!" a so called shabby poem for you :) to celebrate your one year of existence, a poor poem but still it's cool...for it's better than nothing :> i think so...and i knew you don't care, laughs.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
tales of a slave
of tears streaming
down your cheeks
dry and cracked palms
of your hands
cupping your sad face
with IQ so low
just bottomless
under the charts
but does your heart
beats similar to them
and theirs as always?
body that's badly
beaten and bruised
body that's tortured
tricked and thrown
with red puffy eyes
bleeding in pain
with silent sobs
heard in the drain
tired and humiliated
arms stretched out for help
but only the angels
the cherubims of God answered...
yup, a hanging and a drying poem? in the life of a slave. aired in a clothes line where your dirty laundry is being dried and this made me return so quick. tsk! too bad, against my will if I may add, but you wouldn't want to miss my low intelligent poem? here, or would you? and I'm talking to my friends here, not the lady in the bank nor Hillary Clinton, nor any fake ruler of the universe, for believe me they still exist, maybe bec. of reading piles and piles of books they forgot the time, fell asleep and they woke up in the kingdom of the slaves, very funny :) or is this just a case of using me and using you? or just plain abuse in human terms, laughs. oh well. then let's coin a name for this game...the used and the abused? hmn, i'll definitely give it a thought...or better yet let's resurrect your defunct program and let your audience vote, but the problem we have enough votes to seal this naming deal? i doubt it, sorry. but we can try, laughs. this if you don't care for your time to be wasted, for i definitely do :> now that's another rant for you, laughs. now can we see a high caliber poem from you? for i might be able to learn from it, you'll never know, laughs. and yeah, this is another way to air my laundry here, I'm warning you. gosh! at least i have the pity and the humanity to warn you. oh well. and i did not even remind you that this is my blog and i can do whatever i want, to air my laundry or what not :? oh well, again! at least when i do visit other journals i have respect for them, but how about you? yeah i know YOU get your inspiration in them and how low is that? intelligence, yours, in the drain...that is what it a big laugh, here, for it's the truth :) so pls. don't be a troll, laughs. now see what you made me do...(^_~) good. you disturbed my supposedly blogging vacation...intentionally? or just a plain... twisted brain classics in the works here. congrats! it worked, but...if you're that intelligent, you shouldn't lay your eyes on lowly slaves, go for your co-rulers, but i meant the true rulers here, alright? or are you afraid and don't have the balls and the guts? now to me that is really dumb... :) please stop! challenge your match for a change...not one like me here going into hibernation, laughs. oh well. or you do really want me to be around, hmn. now you know the trick :> and you and me are different, i'm living in reality here on earth and you're not, for you are in a no man's land kingdom, fakingly ruling it! and that is only the beginning of our differences, laughs. i'm not a fake ruler, although i'm an old slave, and that is common knowledge. shall we continue? :> but i would rather not. you really ZAP my will to leave this blogging world...and I'm pretty sure you don't want me to be around, laughs. now if you pls. excuse me, I'd like to be back in hibernation and pls. don't wake me up too soon with your similes or what not. and you forgot that you can laundry yours too, if you wish and want :? now if your IQ is really shooting up that roof, you don't need me to remind you that. you laundry yours and i do mine and that's exactly what i did. really and truly and you even watched me doing mine. but mine are not metaphors or similes, they are dead ringer realities, for i don't rule in fakes and i don't deal in fakes as well. but you certainly do, hiding in similes or metaphors like a coward, a bad cheat. wow! me leave by moving me out of your radar's reach, i know you'll say I'm just imagining things, see? my IQ did not fail me yet, laughs. oh well. and i'm tired of charades and plays, now that is the truth... *}
Friday, November 23, 2007
adding up the years :)
I really need Dra. Belo soon :> No kidding. Well, at least I know that things needed to be fixed, but the problem is I just don't care being under the knife, so there must be some alternatives out there, to look a little better I mean, laughs. Oh well. So you could tell that middle age sucks, laughs, which all of us will have to go through and suffer, no exception, not unless your time is up so early in this life's journey, and also if we're lucky to be alive, happy and healthy :)... taken 10-14-'07
On the cooler days of autumn, I'm already missing the warmer summertime and so are the bright colors of spring. You can tell with my color choices, laughs. Oh well. Life flies so fast, J.C. and me noticed...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
when all there is...
that blows beneath your skin
when all there is are just dreams
that make your hot head spin
when all there is are just songs
to soothe your mind and soul
when all there is are only words
like hearts without a home
when all there is, is just you
looking up above that sky
that longs and hopes for dreams
to come and stay by at your side
when all there is, are merely words
that's just full of make believes
like fictional, created characters
untrue, unreal and just imaginings
like plastic flowers without a smell
like broken promises in the air
like fake smiles and made up grins
no truths but lies that's all there is...
hmn, what a sad poem, like plastic goodbyes, unreal and untrue. but really, life sometimes is just full of "when all there is" i think so...sad and sapping the smiles and life out of you...this if you let it get the better of ladies and gents know the fakes and the real...that's the solution :) and say goodbye like you mean it :> now reminds me of the phrase, "see you later alligator" "after awhile crocodile" laughs. oh well. better this goodbye, don't you think? I'll take that any time than that permanent adios which is death, for, we can never have any control over death for only God does...if your time is up, young or old, rich or poor, dumb or genius, pretty or ugly, you'll have to go, you'll have to leave this earth, no ifs nor buts... so false goodbyes...I'll take you anytime...(^_~)...
for that final goodbye
and still
all bags packed up and ready
to leave
just one more time your eyes
fixed gaze
revolved around all too familiar
it hurts but life has to move on
it pains a lot but it has to be done
all for the good for you and for all your
what a noble move from you
a sacrifice
goodbye sweet place of happiness
adios all friends and relatives
who knows when we will ever meet
again to see each other in this universe
God has the key to all of these
the one, the ruler of this earth
He alone knows and only He can tell
for He alone holds the future...of all...of everything...
for all travelers in time and space :)
Monday, November 19, 2007
up and down
and there you are
walking in the sand
barefoot, breathing alive
one night i closed my eyes
and there you are
a dream in the shadows
in no man's land
slowly the stars appear
but quickly they disappear
no twinkling light that night
no flickering light that night
one day the sun was there
for several days, it burned
but came the storm the wind
black clouds that hid that sheen
in circles the earth rotates
in circles the mind thinks
in circles, in flip flops, up and down
a merry go round, life on earth IS...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
shadows in the shade
white, paper thin
so clear
smoky seeping
through the
souls in hiding
like prisoners
windy and wild
that night
gushes of air
so cold so hot
trickles of sweat
and tears
flowing trickling
in drips
love in the shadows
love in the rain
love in the moon
love in a train
love unmeasured
love undefined
now love lost, forgotten
and can't be found...
while I'm at it, making poems? about love, for love is a hot topic and we knew that, laughs. oh well. love is happiness and sadness combined. how true :) and i noticed i can write and write poems? in succession in a very short time, laughs. not good for my mind is on the run, laughs. oh well, again. but who is counting? no one, so there you go. no one minds then? :> of course for it's just me talking to myself here :) I'm insane? hmn, not yet, so far, laughs. really these are all for entertainment purposes, clear? so click out if it's otherwise for you :)
and thanks for the dinner today guys! it was great and fun, the food was superb :) lucy, rose and bert and of course the birthday girl esther and her son patrick... happy b-day and a blessed day to you soon, enjoy your day as well :>
and this poem is good for two prominent politicians that were rumored to be living in the shadows, laughs...too light for I'm too, when God had sprinkled love they must have caught more than one, like when God sprinkled special kids like Michael, i got one. this is how i explained the presence of Michael in my life :) and this is just a good of an explanation for me...I'm happy and sad at the same time, but at peace. he is with me and God only knows the reason why...and with his help the struggle is not that heavy to overcome...for God is always there, and he always care :)
love defined
when one is gone
love is tears when
one gone wild
love is giving and
love is happiness
for the one you loved
love is a singing sparrow on a tree
love is a rainbow after a stormy day
love is a flower that blooms so free
love is the sun that shines constantly
love is pink, red and blue
love is a smile and laughter for you
love is present come storm and hail
love is a hug when you're sad and sick
love is about the good and the bad
that you experienced in this life
that after all these come to pass
still you can smile at each other and laugh
love is a feeling undefined
love is a caring unsurpassed
again, love is giving and sacrifice
and true love is like the love that Jesus gave to all of us...
more than one
for just one heart
more to mourn
when you're cold and gone
more tears for one
when he departs
what a life
it must be a blast
or it's just a kind
of living your life, wild
one roof for every night
one damsel there at your side
wait, but can you remember their names
wait, if asked who is first and who is last
what will be your answer
don't know for there are lots
it's hard to believe
that one heart can beat
for more than one Adam
and for more than one Eve
for one heart only beats for one love
as one dream can only come from one brain
as one life is only given to every man
as one love was all there was for Adam...
this is inspired by the practice of many wives for Muslim guys...and how about women? now there is discrimination in this religion, and I'm not laughing here...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
the view... my window, today. turned golden leaves of a maple tree and turned browned leaves of the sycamore tree. then, balls, yes plenty of balls will be hanging out in these branches. the same seeds that were flewn by an apollo mission out to that sky. hmn, with so many seeds around these are the annointed ones, kinda, sorta the chosen ones :> it must be some kind of seeds these are, laughs...oh well. you knew that my dell computer with that vista thing is near my window with a view :) the only thing is my blog can't be seen for i forgot to turn the lights on. sorry, for you missed my very own yellow sunflower, my wallpaper. i meant to show you that. but it doesn't mean to be and i refused to re-shoot :> and don't forget to pause my blog music or else you can hear "two" same song in play...a not so nice of a tune for your ears, believe me :>
life goes on
adorn your breath
sweet smile of success
follow after these
although once in awhile
comes defeat
push and move on
the day will spin
as it goes along
taking you with it
who knows if tomorrow
will bring the fantasy now
that you've ever dreamed
so never lose faith
if it's meant to be
it will happen
look up, wait and pray
that your fantasy will turn
into reality with God's will
this if you're kind enough
this if you're good enough
the next time a chance
will be there but remember
life is fleeting for maids like me
and for everyone as well
the next day or tomorrow
may not be yours and for all of us
to keep, but hope that it will be there
waiting, waiting for you
for all of us, for them
so that your dreams, and theirs
will be fulfilled
so think positive, always hope
that you, and all of us will WIN!
but again this if GOD thinks
that we are deserving
in our thoughts
in our words
and in our hearts
and if we were
kind to our fellows
here on earth
now this is a poem
out of rhyme
and out of rhythm
but who cares, only me of course
and my love ones who respect me
as a human being :>
and besides i am not a poet
only one who loves to juggle
and to spin words at will...
so there you go, the things that you find and read in here, laughs. oh well. but i hope it did entertain and made you smile and laugh as well...then my efforts weren't put in vain, but if not, i wouldn't even shed a tear :) for I'm not shy at times but bold and fair...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Kid Rocks
Punk Rocker, Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow in "Picture" a Michigander like Madonna, I just known this recently when he was interviewed at Larry King Live last week promoting his new album of songs where in God is at the center :) So in his honor, a kinda nice song here, a duet...
i woke up
of a sleep
i woke up
after a dream
so vivid and so sad
i woke up
i can't say why
but suddenly
a jolt, a very cold
draft woke me up
to the real world
to the real stuff
thankfully i say
to the cold
you've saved me
happily i say to
the draft you've
caught me
just in time for me to cry
just in time for me to plunge
just in time for me to suffer
to a nightmare unsurpassed
so thanks so much to the cold
and to the draft :)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
silence after all those years
even chirpy crickets are out
standing still are only slabs
of cemented towers
built for great loves
just a name neatly printed in style
spelled the marks of an ended life
of a soul that had to depart
a temporary dweller on earth
just passed
gone are the big bright smiles
gone are the long laughter that shines
only silence now surrounds
the house, the home where you've
lived and worked at
when will we see you again
when will we touch you again
when can we love you again
when... dad... pls. tell us
But of course we knew that you can't... so rest in peace, dad...
This is an exception, no fun for me for this is truly a sad poem...
positively paradise
gloriously thumbing at your nose
while a colorful rainbow
rising up not close
shimmering sunshine
of the sun above
glowing, flickering
like flying fireflies
light drizzle of rain
that touched your skin
turned to dew like, golden
rested on those greens
heart shaped leaves
of a favorite plant
waving gently as
the wind whisked by
garden of Eden
home of love
no sins, no hell here
all and only paradise
where a smile
is there to shine
plus sounds of
and reigning
on this alluring
poems that make me laugh, gosh! what more if these true poets can read them, now I'm imagining heads moving sideways in disapproval, laughs. Oh well, at least I'm trying hard... that's all I can say :> better than nothing to adorn my so called web page :) of only nothing if I may add...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
A sleazy song, but hey... with her "3" counts of BF's- lovers and a husband now, you can tell that this lady had seen it, been there and done that, laughs. Oh well. :) I knew I'm right. Anyone who counts BF's had done that either and we can call them "experienced" in that cupid arena. Do you disagree? If ever let me know :) So we need to be very careful with the words we use, laughs. It brings back lovely memories :)
Okay, I hope you'll love this song titled "Santa Baby" as I do. Well done, Madonna! And the next song will be from the much maligned and much criticized, who else? Mariah Carey. I love to defend the downtrodden music divas. For they don't really deserve to be put down...and if we begin to stick our tongues out to others, that tongue will boomerang back hitting us. As if it has a righteous mind of its own, maybe driven by the spirit of goodness. And you wouldn't want me to mention examples here, laughs. Oh well, again, so pls. be kind. We need to show to the world that we've learned our lessons from previous sad and bad "experiences" But it looks like we never did. Too bad... So, sad to say, that we can expect repercussions... :)
Again, pls. listen attentively to the "lady of experience" doing her thing :) Hope you like it, laughs.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
fiction in action
winding rivers without water
all sand
smiling as an actress
acting on a script
no truth, unreal
all rehearsed
imagination on the roll
no flesh to hold
no sounds to hear
just silence floating in the air
all fakes, fabricated
all illusions so alluring
beguiling, smiling
falsely at your face...
a sad poem, this if fiction rules your world...glad for I'm a realist, how about you? :> and I think I'm kinda odd for I smile on my sad poems,'s just like a joke to me. Oh well, at least I can entertain myself :>
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Missed that roof top view

Diana, Princess of Love
is what you are
a life so tragic
a circus so sad
full of compassion
care and of love
selfless enduring
with eyes for the poor
the downtrodden
adorned your life
You had your share
of smiles
you've been all over
world wide
you've been adored
loved, vilified
too busy too short
your life was cut
but you did it all
you gave it all, how wise
Beauty and fame
you've got
sexy and shy but glad
to hold the hands
of aids stricken souls
of sad sick children
lovingly you've hugged
you knew, you saw
that they were there
suffering in life a lot
Sadness and tears
poured out
as one fateful night
popped out
you've died and left
so sudden
so violent
in that dark tunnel
in that dark car
that crashed
So young and
so vibrant is gone
lifeless and cold
still, stiff all alone
just in a flash
you bid goodbye
no more hellos
but your memory
will always be there
in all our hearts to hold
Princess of Love
Princess of Wales
Princess Diana
the people's Princess
in all of our memories
you'll be alive there
forever and for always
until our last words
until our last glimpse
until our last breath on earth...
To Princess Diana, in her memory...
Permanent Goodbye?
Today I print a heart, a red and ready mark
A sign of love to you that will forever last
Those years went flipping by
Like kites flown in the sky
With memories so vivid, so colorfully inclined
You'd always stop to reprimand
Forget to pout or ever put my hand
On that pale face without a song, or ever without a smile
To dress my heart with hope
To push my limits to the roof
And to catch and keep the proof
Well dad here I am today
With head held high so free
For I did not disappoint nor did I forsake thee
With little lasting laurels
I crown my head barely
A few God given gift, one of poetry maybe
Dad today I smiled at last
Of thoughts that you've died
For finally I've realized... that God is at your side...
A previous poem, dedicated to my dad who truly loves a "smile" :)
mystery of the unknown
you pray
you wish
you believe
that life after
death exists
you wonder
you worry
that faith is
all there is
is life real
out there
is life true
after six
feet down
a mystic smile
like the Mona Lisa
a cynical call
to the Madonna
the beguiling
mystery of life
the baffling
claim after life
that it will be there
that it will conquer
that death is victory
as closing your eyes
will be opening it again
again for all eternity?
Monday, November 5, 2007
waving with the wind
wrecking havoc to the
just as the wind blown
tree forced to the
the roof torn and tattered
with pieces flying from the
scattering, littering
the immaculate vicinity
of the house
waving in the wind
is nature's fury
blowing at your face
a force so free
moving your feet
so strong, sickly
uprooting your body
helpless and carelessly
go, go with the wind
leave, leave with your
die, die a sudden death
ending a life battered, filled
with misery...