Tuesday, September 29, 2009

unsung heroes

the raging water cannot be denied
it now must flow and wind its way out so fast
it doesn't care who are you on the sides
without a heart it roars and glides

so many young and helpless hands
so many old, weak and sick
they're all gone...died and left

unsung hero where are you
we need more of you in tow
this nature's force is so great
we need a lot of help that we can get

in times of progress we cut
those trees that'll stop this water's wrath
in times of progress we think of now
but conveniently forgot the tomorrows that will come

so here we are with all the ravages that nature can provide
the floods from hurricanes and typhoons' whirling path
the raging water had taken humanity with its properties so far
when will it ever end and when will it ever stop?