Thursday, September 3, 2009

shadows are just endless dreams, but not this one :)

the light of day is bright against the blistering rays of the sun
the weather is too hot that a hat can't even withstand
the rain might come later but it may not
so don't count on it, move on, think of the night

the stars are there to twinkle as you think of Christmas
a gift of love will be waiting in that cold manger
and His name is Jesus
rejoice, don't pout, enjoy the love :)

a dream indeed that is not there to fail you
a dream whose sacrifice had uplifted you
one shadow that is not an endless dream
for He's always here to comfort you...

rainbows, rainbows we can see you
so far so beautiful and so enchanting
a bright distant shadow
garden of colors, lovely but as i see you
will there be a pot of gold at the end
of your tail, or you're just really a wasted shadow?

I'll bet on the latter, but who really knows...
dreams after all are just like rainbows...
you wonder if there is gold, that pot of gold
that makes you smile for a second, for a time
until you wake up and realized
that you're just caught in a maze
of illusions and entangled shadows...

the shadow art is by john singer sargent :>