magnificent and totally beautiful :)...i remember that during this time of year then almost all the colorful leaves had fallen to the ground and the flowers of summer are gone. but now they are all still up and only a few are turning yellow, red or brown. but I'm pretty sure up north where the Grand Hotel is at Mackinac Island where the best romantic flick or movie by Jane Seymour's and the late superman hero Christopher Reeves' "Somewhere In Time" was filmed right on the same year when i came here :) it is definitely fall up there, up north. the late coming of autumn or fall down here is proof that the weather is getting warmer and maybe that's why floods are all over including here in the U.S. although lucky us here in our place it's not a flood prone area. thank God :) it is truly a tragedy to those who've lost their love ones and their homes in the Philippines. i dunno, life is just a litany of suffering to some as life is a bed of roses to others...