Thursday, April 10, 2008

a torch's torment

for security reasons they have to change the original route for a lot of demonstrators were gathered around the Olympic torch's relay site in S.F. the only place here in the U.S. where the runners will be with that symbolic torch light waving up in their hands over the streets of this lovely city by the bay. where a lot had left their hearts to according to that popular song, laughs. they are protesting against the human rights abuses done by China in Tibet, but good luck I don't think China will succumb to this pressure. Hillary urged Pres. Bush to boycott the opening ceremony but to this minute Mr. Bush is still bent on going, meaning he does not care about the plight of these poor abused and killed people in Tibet and some of them were devoted monks. Yeah. No surprises for after all Bush backers or supporters are the big corporations doing business in this giant communist country named China. So money talks and is very very influential. It will win compared to ordinary folks who have their true hearts and minds in the right place. Talk about loyalty here. Where Mr. Bush will be in that opening ceremony will say a lot about him as a person... and where his heart and priorities are, silently, of course. We communicate with what we do or what we say, or what we write or paint or whatever your chosen form of cryptic silent language is and we get it no matter what. All we need is a little intelligence, a little math here and there, laughs. Oh well. So yes ladies and gents what we are inside will come out in some ways that we thought can't be deciphered but as you know people think and people see and hear :) So thumbs down for this president if he decides to attend the opening ceremony. Money won over human rights if that happens. Him tolerating this despicable inhuman acts of the chinese government to these oppressed population of Tibet.