Wednesday, April 16, 2008


you are 81 years old today :) your message of "Christ our Hope" the theme of your visit here is truly what we need. for without hope the future is dim, dark and of doom. with chin lifted and like your smile we follow you. we love you as Christ presence on earth and as the head of our church. we wish you health and happiness as we wish you many more years ahead. long live and more power to you...
the White House is full joy and smiles with the historic visit of His Holiness today. Kathleen Battle did a wonderful and sweet rendition of "The Lord's Prayer" an unforgettable voice. i got teary eyed listening to this lady sings. so much happiness and celebration, like magic one will be mesmerized. spring had sprung in Washington D.C. all that greenery, but not here in Michigan where bare brown naked trees still reigned our streets as i look at that crisp, bright, blue and peaceful sky...
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, above...