Thursday, September 20, 2007

When the "Red" color means... "Stop"

Colors are being used as signals, signs and symbols. Like the color pink which mostly means love and the symbol of a female newborn infant. Red means life to me for it's the color of blood. But the one that I love most about this color is the ruby red color tinged of my birth stone. I'm impartial at times, you know :)

Now the thing that is very helpful when it comes to the color red is the traffic signal lights. Red means Stop and so it's a very helpful tool for you, for me and to all. Imagine the catasthropic outcome if there is no color that is red :> But red is also a sign to halt and to end something. A special request, in the color language, that is. Let's see if it could be heard err rather deciphered and decoded, laughs. Are we listening? or to be more specific, are we paying attention to the red color or just simply looking? So go figure :> taken, 7-24-'07