Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sad Plight

All but a game without a name
All but a farce a false and a frame
All are not real only flying in the air
Only to be ignored and only to be drained

Friends beware in your earthly travels
People like these reside in this universe
All claims of fame, glories and laurels
Are just not true deserving to be erased

Ladies and gents forgive the grammar
Of this old maid with lots of apartments to watch
Moving from door to door, all that doormats
Riding in a taxi that's all I can catch

With little spare cash that my wallet has
I have to make a do with all of that
But may I say that I did not splash
In torture chambers with my fellow man

Instead, I cleaned, I baked, I washed
Instead, I cooked, I did groceries, I bathed
I sweat, I cried, I served and sacrificed
In that big house that my master have

May I ask did you do that as well
Or your intelligence just failed
You've used it to belittle thine
Us servants who are just living divine

No ribbons, nor awards for us
No programs nor such rewards
To be appreciated on what we did
But instead you've stepped on us again

What kind of a person are you
Looking down stepping a person who's through
Down that bottom stairs of life we are
Still you belittle, you dumped us down

God may gracefully serve us well
In exchange of this suffering trail
In humility we submit our hands
In honesty and integrity we commit our lives...

Tsk! what a poem, too emotional for me, laughs. Oh well. But really, we are just actors in a game, we all serve in different ways, and the best part is we are all just a piece of dust you and me and that we will all die or depart this earth someday, masters or servants, writers or maids :> so no winners here for you and me can't rule this universe, only in your dreams. God is the ONE, the true ruler of this UNIVERSE alright? and you are a FAKE :> Sorry! and pls. wake up to this truth or it's really up to you if you'd like to live in a LIE for I don't and I won't and that's for sure, laughs. Oh pls. pardon again if you may...