Friday, September 7, 2007

When Games are being Played

Flashing games are diversions for the mind
For the weary red, and the pink tired child
It brings considerable boost or high
To spirits who are already down that cried

All has an ending even games
In life, death will follow as it's always is
Why can't it be forever be played
Especially those games, our favorites

But games that are sinister and sad
Only a psychotic few wants that
As a continuation of their current life
Of grief, sadness and full of strife

Help should be on the way
For these souls who've gone astray
Before their lives are totally sold
To the devil, the demon, its source

Give a love and care to lonely ones
Time spent is productive as the sun
That fire that lights a life without fun
A star that warms hearts as it sparks and shines...