Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Gift of Time, Talent and Treasure

Traversing this universe are us
Floating freely at that ocean's house
Adorned, grown and groomed
To take part in a play for all

Did your talent entertained
Did it leave a smiley print
Did it change a life for good
That looking back you might be proud of

Or did it do otherwise
Did it leave a heavy mark
Or quiet apprehensions sparked
Or problems unsolved piled up

Talent, treasures, our times
Are all a gift from God
It's up for us to use
Let's hope it's all for the good

Like a song's serenade from a nightingale
A cure of sickness from a scientist
Or a love for all to those in need
Or a care, a kind word, to the lowly breed

Talents, big bucks, our times
Are just as temporary like us
To be taken away in a flash
For all eternity without much remembrance

But we can change a bit of that
Taking a moment of our time
To be a good and a caring Samaritans
Aimed to the helpless, the needy amongst us

By then someone will recall
That person whom you've touched
That if you leave this earth in a rush
You've left a positive, indelible mark

That our God will be very proud
And your love ones will ever have
As a token of your passing life
Even how short and temporary that was...