Saturday, July 28, 2007

Versteckte Senke...(Hidden Valley)

Rolling prairies of Texas, wild flowers painted in a canvass
Swaying gently one way in unison not in a flash
As daffodils, honeysuckles, as butterflies
Buzzing as a bee, busy seeping nectar over our eyes

Inside a tree trunk, hidden in the dark
A baby squirrel lazily sleeping over a bark
Chipped and moistened by its mother
Warmed as a pillow, soft as its tiny furs can lay over

Hugging all around this tree in the wild
Hidden in this vast valley so bright
Garden of Eden, simply a slice of heaven
A quiet oasis of lovely pinks, purples and greens

In your mind and everyone else
Gaps in memories for once, is filled
Sad secret silly synopsis of our daily lives
Valley of illusions, pretenses, of yours, theirs and mine...