Saturday, July 7, 2007

Shifting Our Eyes Away on "US"

Are we not tired of ourselves
It's all we have in our plate
It's all there is to greet us first
Our shadow is always there present

Do we need to be exposed more
Do we need to show more
Do we need to open up
To bore everyone that might be reading us

It's just the lines that we create
It sums us up just in those verse
In every word that we utter
In every syllables that we tinker

Me, me, me only me
Seems like we're not tired of thee
Better shift our eyes on 'they'
Looking at our neighbors precisely

Especially when we have a nasty past
Better shut up our eyes on us
Look somewhere but ourselves
So God knows our interest is also in others

Did we give sunshine to the sad
Did we love our neighbors fast
Did we open our mouth right
When circumstance called us to act

Or did we do the opposite
Did we shout out unkind words
Did we treat strangers right
That God will be proud on all of us?