it is a very busy day before the holidays here for the lawmakers. after passing the bill that would continue the bush era tax cuts' incentives giving more tax breaks to the highest earners here those big time corporations that mostly ship jobs outside the US for more profits in their pockets. the republicans got their wish for they've won the majority of the lower house of congress this past mid term election. the president was forced to make a deal in exchange for unemployment benefits and a payroll cut of around 800-900 USD per year starting 2011 and that includes me :) thank you, mr. president but if you figure out the millions and millions given as tax breaks for the wealthy bec. that is what the republicans are fighting for which they've gotten btw bec. of their win in the recent elections. pres. Obama would just want it only to extend the tax of the bush era for the middle class and wants to revert it to the amount they were paying when bill clinton was president that's why the economy was in a surplus mode then and after that bush took reigns and put trillions of deficit in the economy for he gave big tax breaks to his rich friends in the millions...Obama is for us working Americans but his hand was held hostage to the demand of the republicans who will oppose his wish of only cutting taxes for us middle class here and taxing more the wealthy who btw do not need more money for they own most of the wealth here in the US now. the poor and the middle class has long been defeated, their jobs and their homes lost due to the shipping of most manufacturing jobs here in the US to China. that is the reason for the near collapse of the banking industry and the economy here for they hold these mortgages that went into foreclosures for families do not have jobs to pay their homes. now these big corporations will keep more of their money to create jobs for the American people, really? that will remain to be seen. it is a dilemma, for if they create jobs then Obama will be re-elected for a second term which of course the republicans do not my take is they will keep their money instead and not create jobs here...the solution to these present bad economy here although signs are it is on the mend, the solution is to create things here in the US again, to revive new manufacturing industries that can not be shipped overseas, so that the American people will have jobs. they say maybe in 10 years, wow, that is a long time. yes, batteries for soon to be battery operated cars is on the way and researches to replace oil in running industries is being done here and all over the world. whoever will come up with that new green technology that is friendly to our planet will be the next super power which right now America is the only one who holds that distinction. who will win in this race for that green technology? hope it is the US for we needed jobs, alright? and i will be very glad when that happens and i might for the first time will drink to that victory :) why not...(^&*)...
sorry for i tell the truth. that is one perk of living in a first world, first rated country, you'll know things first hand not only on the things that you read in papers or magazines for you live it yourself. i've travelled yes, although not to so many places in just a few days for just vacations and for pleasure, i can also travel and go places where the haves go visit but it is my choice not to do that...maybe to save more money for i am just a very poor middle class, laughs. the truth hurts...but it is in being poor when you know how to live right for riches most of the times blind us and hid us to the real world and prevent us from living truly by ourselves for the world is being handed to us in a silver platter...would you be rich without working for your own identity and being drawn under the skirt of your wealthy parents or relatives, or would you be poor and be knowledgeable on how to do it yourself, learn how to do that in your very own way and find happiness or are you just a weakling blabbering your wealth and that is just about who you are, it ends there...the choice is easy that even a child would know the answer :) right on, let's stop superficiality and work with what matters in this world...more fun don't you think than by talking or writing about make ups, lipsticks, plastic friends, bunnies and nail polishes that would prevent your nails to really breathe just for vanity's rest assured you are not the only one in this world, though that is not really a consolation. this write up is to wake us up who are in the lap of luxury who has the means to do more for the poor and to contribute more to this needy world around us, just may close your eyes or wake up but again, just saying...and yes, merry xmas btw. now hope you'll have a happy one and i mean that :>...and plus you don't even have to remind people of who you are for if you do good to others they will know who you are for sure, for you stand alone in greatness :) and you won't even wonder if people just like you for your connections like they work for your company and you hold their jobs in your fingertips right? so they better be good to you, laughs...see the possibilities are just endless... of thoughts i mean, laughs. although yes, pls. excuse my English and my language but again this is meant for us not to close our eyes to the needy, the downtrodden and the's Christmas, change means hope, then help, then true happiness...well said? only if results will come :)
and i am happy with what Ms. Aquino is doing for the poor and the hopeless. she was lost but she is trying to make up for it. her life showed that if you lost trust, love is also lost for these two are inseparable, but her gift of shoes to the apple? of her president brod's eyes? is not so good for they say that whomever will you give a gift of a shoe to, he or she will step on you in the future, hmn...just a thought, hope not...that's the reason i am not a shoe giver, laughs, not unless i was asked for it but this is requested not me giving it voluntarily, there is a difference to are what one former first lady went famous for around the world and we have the same b-day, but i am not into shoes to make that clear, a few pairs because of necessity will do just fine for me, that simple for i am poor, simple and a that's that :)
yes i leave people alone, those that do the right thing :> and give praise and thanks to them as well...(^_~)...maybe it's my time to go out of cyberspace because i've said all that i can say, laughs, maybe... but as usual tomorrow is another day, more thoughts, more things to say from me, gosh! almost 4 yrs. of yapping, making string of words, a little bad singing, laughs, marking what i believe in life and what i like and love is the reason why i blog and continue my blogging. if you don't speak people will speak for you and that won't be justice to yourself...better to define what you believe yourself and what is the means to that? blogging :) so happy 4th year of blogging to me soon :) on the 21st...but special thanks to blogger for making it a possibility...and to the reason why i started this in the first place. what do you know that unusually not good people is that reason, but here i am for that... so thank you as you know me well enough to judge or say that i am not what you think in the first place...i gain what could i say and more because of blogging. the world that we live in can be strange sometimes but God will lead us and will direct us to what is good and what is right...that is true and that is for the few who visits me, i love you all and thanks :) have a blessed christmas and a blissful new year to come. it's the holiday of love, giving and caring and let's remember that not only this time of year but for always...
wow, a very long entry from me, maybe because it is a 4th year anniversary thing, sort of, laughs. i'd like to think that i talk er write of things that are not that nonsense and when i type i open eyes not close them, that i could only hope for...