Tuesday, December 14, 2010

kite catchers

the alluring wind whistles for the rope to fly
it blows and blows until it entices one kite to bite
up high in a summer blue sky without a cloud
the scene is perfect words are not required

one man flew several kites at once
the colors ranges from black to white
no pinks no reds none colorful as a smile
absence is silence for now rain is about to come

words are shuffled cleverly as thoughts are intertwined
no direct meaning deceiving kite catchers of the sky
roads as zigzags roads lost not found
straight as an arrow, not, so it failed and it didn't passed

when you want something would you say you want a cream
to mix with your black coffee so the taste would be better
but when you say i want sugar, honey and cream
three crossroads, three choices, you won't ever win

like kite catchers of the sky just running and running around in circles
kite catchers are dreamers but on the wrong side of the planet...

kite art is from the web, artist unknown...