Monday, December 6, 2010

the fountain of youth

the search for the fountain of youth is on going as we speak...and could you imagine the implications...longer lifetime to enjoy the beauty of our universe, i like it!

with the passing of time

the hands of the clock is there to greet us every day. it sounded on every seconds that it is so deafening we ignored it away. it kept on ringing and ringing until the years turned into a spin of decay. spent and wasted our ears did give out as the clock ticks its last. unheard by us the sound is the same only it never lasted for our ears had given out. as the passing of time we are left by the tick of the clock. it moved away and left us behind and never to catch up. for the toils and the tools of our bodies had eventually cracked and could no longer do its job. old age, tired tracks and slowly dissipating strength made us lost our race with the time that is now lost in our hands. but wait... as the fountain of youth will now be on its way, to stop the clock of life so maybe we could live forever for eternity...hopefully...

music spinning, music playing round and round over and over is like years adding up...but music is eternal, and life is not...