JESUS at the nativity...the source and the way to the fulfillment of our hopes...the best screen saver ever and the best work of art is one that depicts the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ...image is from the www, thanks to you who created is truly great...what i wish this Christmas and for the New Year is happiness and peace for all human kind. and not only during this holiday season but in every single day of the year...
Friday, December 31, 2010
the gift that is constantly giving...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
warmer climates mean flowers :)
all bloomed in my garden except for the lovely rose for it is a shot i took from the shrine of the little flower church one nice summer...yeah flowers never fail to make me smile for i see them as God given free gifts for us to is a proven gift that will make sick patients smile in hospitals as well. with that reason alone, i am sold to blooms :) they are never called shits but are sold as gifts to your many muses guys, laughs. oh well.
let's thank God for brand new years :)
as new years are new year also means change...since it's winter here this image fits but i would rather have a warm new year like where president obama is...where? in hawaii but the philippines will do just fine. yes, i can dream, of course for without dreams there is no reason to live :)
new year, new dawn, new dream...
as we paddle quietly across the river Nile
the air is humid but it is flowing and blowing
as it touches our hot, sun covered skin
it is cooling and refreshing as we move
our tired bodies, reviving our sunken spirits
that are ready to sprint in the air
as we walk slowly in a timeless thick forest
covered with green canopy of trees
we can hear the birds as they tweet their daily drink
of fresh sweet dew from the drying leaves of
the all time favorite evergreens that thrive
even in the coldest and deepest of winters
slowly as we try to walk in a secluded beach
the sand suddenly is so intense that it won't record
the footsteps that we ever made making us lived
like nomads, like a nobody in a disappearing world
no clues, no marks, no signs, no sound to remind us
that we ever existed in this planet earth
as your hands play with the strings of your guitar
the melody is familiar but it did not reach the beat
like appointments that are just illusions marked
with words that did not pass the test of time
for it is a mirage that dies as you get nearer
and nearer for its life is a lie
new year, new hope, new dawn
are you really there
new song, new beat, new tune
are you really made to entertain
or are you just one music
that will slowly fade
as the sun sets in the east
and bids its farewell...
new year are you really hope
but that... as it's always been...
it remains to be seen...
love and music are important, we all knew that :) top dawn art is from the www and the bottom art is by the filipino great master painter, amorsolo. hmn, "amorsolo" would that be "one love" translated? then this man was a keeper, laughs, plus a great artist, just wow!
Friday, December 24, 2010
a passionate xmas
blue memories of Xmas past esp. if lovers, significant others, muses, princes are gone...hmn, see i am not selfish i think about you, laughs. but seriously i did not even buy anything for me "yet" and it is Xmas eve...but i think this is my present to Jesus, i just think about Him, not of myself, but of others :) Xmas...yes, nice music interpreted by ms. Nancy Wilson. music yeah, you are definitely the language of our soul :> but no kidding my present is my family being us all together again this Xmas and nothing beats that. although i miss my Phil. usual we can't have it all...not enough though to make my Xmas blue :) but it could be better though i try in every Xmas that God gives me... i give, give and give without expecting anything in return :) now i can think of the new year with lots of promise that will make me truly a happy and a complete's a little interesting trivia :) did you know that according to popular belief people with eyebrows that meet in the middle of the forehead are hot tempered, violent, loud, impulsive and no good, beware guys and gals, just a warning, laughs...but hey not all naman siguro, so let's take our chances :) although people that i know with such features do tend to have these characteristics but maybe just coincidences for they do exist, hmn...
and the president signed the law that will repel don't ask don't tell policy in the military meaning that gays and lesbians can now openly serve without fear of persecution. be true, live true and serve true :) kudos!...the Obamas are in blue Hawaii, the prez birth place, with its world class beaches, a really good place to celebrate Christmas after hearing mass of course. i remember my benefactor's family always go to Tali beach in Batangas for the Xmas holiday and back to Makati in time for the New Year's revelry. wow i really got it good for i am privy on how the rich live. being poor myself i can now compare the two with so much ease based on true experience for you have to live it to be able to feel it, similar to you have to be in that shoe to know how people walk. i will make the comparison and it is like this...most people in the Philippines that are poor are truly happy, i dunno maybe because they don't know what they're missing in life, while Americans with so much good things around them they seemed not to be truly happy...go figure that out. hmn, maybe because they lost their homes for their jobs flew to China :? ...and yes! President Obama is now 9 months smoke free :) if he can do it, so can you :> again, a very blessed, happy Christmas :) let's always remember that Jesus is hope, forgiveness and love :)
blue christmas
why is there a blue christmas
when we can have a happy one
why is there an eclipse
while we can ask the sun and
the moon to shine all the time
why are there raindrops
falling from the sky
when we can ask God
to decorate it always
with dangling, shining stars
why is there so much sadness
when we can have magic
why is there so much tears
when we can smile with our
heart's content
by golly it's christmas
let's forget that life is full
of hardships and challenges
let's celebrate with Jesus
His birth is here as promised
blue christmas, nope, let's make it hot
let's make the sun dance
and the stars to twinkle all night
let's build a fire to light up the deepest ocean
and let's swim with happiness
celebrate and let's forget that we're apart
blue christmas be gone
blue christmas pls. depart
so we can replace it with
a happy christmas with all
smiles, dancing, singing and
with so much abundant love
blue christmas, it shouldn't be
blue christmas, goodbye :)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
happy 4th anniversary of blogging to me heralded by a lunar eclipse to boot :)
i'm very happy :)...for as when relationships come and go, when love like the tide has its ebbs and flows, blogging, will it stop and go? that is the question...after four years of typing away my thoughts i did surprise myself that i am still here, while lots of folks have long deleted many times i tried to quit in this journey but i failed, as in so many times that i am so disappointed in life, i prevailed and blogging is one of them...i had it in one shot, started in blogger and will also end my blogging with shot to make it right and so far so good although it could be better and that i am fully aware of :) this is an on line sort of a journal of what i am, what i believe in life and it has been a part of my life for the last four years now...gardening, my hobby is marked here tremendously, my love for flowers. my new found love in poetry although my string of words here could be far from that, laughs, my despicable singing, laughs, and my beginning wonder and amazement in the world of the arts also is fairly documented here. nothing could set you free than freedom of self expression and of speech and i found its realization here in the world of blogging. hope it will continue as the days go on and on...thank you for your visit, to the few that were lost and landed on this page of the www. i tried to make it very private but it is true that once you are in cyberspace nothing is private anymore for nothing is in your control once you type and post so the least that i can do is to be very careful and selective in what i do is censored so to speak, laughs. but one thing for sure, i love every minute of it for blogging is a kind of an outlet sort of, of my thoughts and of the things that i like and love plus the things that make me happy which God is first and foremost, of course :) how many years more to come, how many words more to type and how many images more to post, that is the question...i am tired but i'd like to keep on going, i am old, laughs, so maybe 30 years more? who knows...but i am thankful that i remained blogging to this very blogging it will be again and you can bet on that, laughs, although at times i'd really want to stop for sure but i failed, maybe this time is the time for that...(^&*)... but who cares anyway and you will be surprised for no one does except only true...i am celebrating this milestone with a rose, one beautiful thing produced by nature that guys give or has given to their past muse, present muse and future muse, laughs, but in this case i am giving it to my blog and pls. watch your language in describing it for we are what we speak...beautiful eh? yes, i never use this eh expression but for celebrating this anniversary, why not? :) and sure these roses are still alive for my own roses are dead for now but next spring they'll be alive again :> so whoever says that nature is dead my friend, got it sooo wrong...images are from the www, thank you for sharing your pretty images :)
Monday, December 20, 2010
lunar eclipse tonight
i love the moon... so i am very fascinated by eclipses either by the sun or by the moon...really the planet which we live in is full of wonderful phenomena that is beyond our control. proof that there is a higher power that brought us all together here, for a little time or for the longest time to enjoy and be enchanted with them...12-21-2012...are you really real or just one hype of the human mind again. it won't be long, we will see the truth. i'm pretty sure a lot are taking notes...
and for Jesus, why not :)
it's His B-day and that gift is you won't even spend a and kindness but there is a caveat, smile like you meant it and be kind not just in words but in kind or deeds for i would imagine that Jesus is sold and would only believe in your deeds not words... for it is easy to say it but comes the dicey part if you really meant it, same in real life right? the proof is in the pudding, laughs. the proof is in the pudding means that the outcome is uncertain until the task is completed :)... but seriously in any thing that we do in life words mean nothing, for action speaks louder than words...mind you there are a lot of players, pretenders, users and abusers out guys and gals let's be wise like these 3 wise men...and when you are a rich girl do not or never be a spoiled brat, that's a no-no. act or do whatever that you can do to unburden your maid's work for you are an adult that can do those things for yourself and you are not disabled for one :) hmn, that is really a good xmas present for your maid if you are one dependable and reliable person but maybe since you are not you needed somebody to do those things for in the US the beautiful people here meaning these famous rich actresses even drive themselves and without maids so i wonder why third world country folks that are poorer rely on somebody else to do the jobs that they can do for themselves, wow, Jesus would not really have approve, laughs, this i would imagine :)
I closed the book...
i closed the book that i was reading before
the pages were torn and the story
just do not interest me anymore
i reached a rope and fastened it around
so that the book would never be
opened up by anyone
same as life when tears are rolling down
i wipe the sadness that
is keeping in my mind
it isn't worth the time of counting cuts
for it will bleed more and more
and the blood will all be gone
i closed the door that the charmer
was standing once
not to be opened again for
the tricks are no more fun
i said goodbye, good riddance
please be gone
for no more laughter
when you are here around...
and this is kindness to all of us at hand, so that smile will come back charging in our world one more time :)
what a very funny scene, one video which a wife is going after her husband's mistress...lady that is not the right way to go, leave, laughs. love is gone so for God's sakes... leave your husband, is the right thing to do...give happiness to someone else in this case your husband and his mistress diba? mahirap namang ipinipilit mo ang sarili mo sa kanya eh obvious naman na ayaw na sa iyo, let's have a little self respect naman :) but that is very funny, i am bad for i will be laughing if i am one of the spectators for it is a comedy to me, in real life pa ha :> sorry!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
salamat sa iyo...
Salamat sa Iyo
Aking Panginoong Hesus
Ako'y inibig mo
At inangking lubos
Ang tanging alay ko
Sa Iyo aking Ama
Ang buong buhay ko
Puso at kaluluwa
Hindi makayanang maipagkaloob
Mamahaling hiyas o gintong sinukob
Ang tanging dalangin
O Diyos ay tanggapin
Ang tanging alay ko
Nawa ay gamitin
Ito lamang Ama wala nang iba pa
Akong hinihiling
Salamat sa Iyo
Aking Panginoong Hesus
Ako'y inibig mo
At inangking lubos
Di ko akalain
Na ako ay 'Yong bigyang pansin
Ang taong tulad ko'y
Di dapat mahalin
a humble and a thankful heart can never really hurt us...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
odds and ends...
it is a very busy day before the holidays here for the lawmakers. after passing the bill that would continue the bush era tax cuts' incentives giving more tax breaks to the highest earners here those big time corporations that mostly ship jobs outside the US for more profits in their pockets. the republicans got their wish for they've won the majority of the lower house of congress this past mid term election. the president was forced to make a deal in exchange for unemployment benefits and a payroll cut of around 800-900 USD per year starting 2011 and that includes me :) thank you, mr. president but if you figure out the millions and millions given as tax breaks for the wealthy bec. that is what the republicans are fighting for which they've gotten btw bec. of their win in the recent elections. pres. Obama would just want it only to extend the tax of the bush era for the middle class and wants to revert it to the amount they were paying when bill clinton was president that's why the economy was in a surplus mode then and after that bush took reigns and put trillions of deficit in the economy for he gave big tax breaks to his rich friends in the millions...Obama is for us working Americans but his hand was held hostage to the demand of the republicans who will oppose his wish of only cutting taxes for us middle class here and taxing more the wealthy who btw do not need more money for they own most of the wealth here in the US now. the poor and the middle class has long been defeated, their jobs and their homes lost due to the shipping of most manufacturing jobs here in the US to China. that is the reason for the near collapse of the banking industry and the economy here for they hold these mortgages that went into foreclosures for families do not have jobs to pay their homes. now these big corporations will keep more of their money to create jobs for the American people, really? that will remain to be seen. it is a dilemma, for if they create jobs then Obama will be re-elected for a second term which of course the republicans do not my take is they will keep their money instead and not create jobs here...the solution to these present bad economy here although signs are it is on the mend, the solution is to create things here in the US again, to revive new manufacturing industries that can not be shipped overseas, so that the American people will have jobs. they say maybe in 10 years, wow, that is a long time. yes, batteries for soon to be battery operated cars is on the way and researches to replace oil in running industries is being done here and all over the world. whoever will come up with that new green technology that is friendly to our planet will be the next super power which right now America is the only one who holds that distinction. who will win in this race for that green technology? hope it is the US for we needed jobs, alright? and i will be very glad when that happens and i might for the first time will drink to that victory :) why not...(^&*)...
sorry for i tell the truth. that is one perk of living in a first world, first rated country, you'll know things first hand not only on the things that you read in papers or magazines for you live it yourself. i've travelled yes, although not to so many places in just a few days for just vacations and for pleasure, i can also travel and go places where the haves go visit but it is my choice not to do that...maybe to save more money for i am just a very poor middle class, laughs. the truth hurts...but it is in being poor when you know how to live right for riches most of the times blind us and hid us to the real world and prevent us from living truly by ourselves for the world is being handed to us in a silver platter...would you be rich without working for your own identity and being drawn under the skirt of your wealthy parents or relatives, or would you be poor and be knowledgeable on how to do it yourself, learn how to do that in your very own way and find happiness or are you just a weakling blabbering your wealth and that is just about who you are, it ends there...the choice is easy that even a child would know the answer :) right on, let's stop superficiality and work with what matters in this world...more fun don't you think than by talking or writing about make ups, lipsticks, plastic friends, bunnies and nail polishes that would prevent your nails to really breathe just for vanity's rest assured you are not the only one in this world, though that is not really a consolation. this write up is to wake us up who are in the lap of luxury who has the means to do more for the poor and to contribute more to this needy world around us, just may close your eyes or wake up but again, just saying...and yes, merry xmas btw. now hope you'll have a happy one and i mean that :>...and plus you don't even have to remind people of who you are for if you do good to others they will know who you are for sure, for you stand alone in greatness :) and you won't even wonder if people just like you for your connections like they work for your company and you hold their jobs in your fingertips right? so they better be good to you, laughs...see the possibilities are just endless... of thoughts i mean, laughs. although yes, pls. excuse my English and my language but again this is meant for us not to close our eyes to the needy, the downtrodden and the's Christmas, change means hope, then help, then true happiness...well said? only if results will come :)
and i am happy with what Ms. Aquino is doing for the poor and the hopeless. she was lost but she is trying to make up for it. her life showed that if you lost trust, love is also lost for these two are inseparable, but her gift of shoes to the apple? of her president brod's eyes? is not so good for they say that whomever will you give a gift of a shoe to, he or she will step on you in the future, hmn...just a thought, hope not...that's the reason i am not a shoe giver, laughs, not unless i was asked for it but this is requested not me giving it voluntarily, there is a difference to are what one former first lady went famous for around the world and we have the same b-day, but i am not into shoes to make that clear, a few pairs because of necessity will do just fine for me, that simple for i am poor, simple and a that's that :)
yes i leave people alone, those that do the right thing :> and give praise and thanks to them as well...(^_~)...maybe it's my time to go out of cyberspace because i've said all that i can say, laughs, maybe... but as usual tomorrow is another day, more thoughts, more things to say from me, gosh! almost 4 yrs. of yapping, making string of words, a little bad singing, laughs, marking what i believe in life and what i like and love is the reason why i blog and continue my blogging. if you don't speak people will speak for you and that won't be justice to yourself...better to define what you believe yourself and what is the means to that? blogging :) so happy 4th year of blogging to me soon :) on the 21st...but special thanks to blogger for making it a possibility...and to the reason why i started this in the first place. what do you know that unusually not good people is that reason, but here i am for that... so thank you as you know me well enough to judge or say that i am not what you think in the first place...i gain what could i say and more because of blogging. the world that we live in can be strange sometimes but God will lead us and will direct us to what is good and what is right...that is true and that is for the few who visits me, i love you all and thanks :) have a blessed christmas and a blissful new year to come. it's the holiday of love, giving and caring and let's remember that not only this time of year but for always...
wow, a very long entry from me, maybe because it is a 4th year anniversary thing, sort of, laughs. i'd like to think that i talk er write of things that are not that nonsense and when i type i open eyes not close them, that i could only hope for...
Friday, December 17, 2010
i ask jesus...
why is the sky always blue
even after the rain had
finished flowing through
why do the tide always rise
only to retreat back after
watering the plants at the river bank
why do people climb
high mountain peaks
risking their lives in the process
why do the trees shed their barks
after a time under the sun so hot
leaving the old brown covers thrown out
then why there is spring after winter
when the colder air is changed into
a warmer summer breeze
maybe because as the stars
move far out
the giant sun remains
maybe because as the moon
says goodbye
the golden sun will again soon rise
or maybe as there is tomorrow
after a dark, cloud filled night
or maybe as there is hope
that will spring eternal
after a journey that
is heavily laden
with tired bodies
tired minds and
tired hands
these i ask jesus if i am right
since he is coming soon to us
it's xmas and the universe
is filled with love, laughter
cheers and light...
"pasko na naman" freddie aguilar
and what have we done...maybe if you're just like me, not much...hope that in the future that will change. yup keep on hoping i told myself, laughs. oh well. life must go on and hope should be a part of it...for if you don't have it, life starts not to exist...and we won't even care if it is Christmas...time flies like a jet, the happiest season is almost here once again and thank God for that :) O Holy Night is the best xmas song, for me at least :>...and the best saying that i like is...if someone throw a stone at you, give them your other cheek as well or throw them bread instead, the christian i just did that...rain comes but the grass and the trees are nurtured by it...i thank people that do me no good for in it i had the chance to show God that love is better than hate, that time spent in hate is time spent in hell and life is timed so i better dwell in the positives than wallowing in sadness, sorrow and regrets. and look around us there are much more better things that life has to offer... plus it is my choice after all on how to live my life in this beautiful planet good, the best that i can, understand to the fullest that i can and to always remember the 3 resources that is available for us to work with, to ponder and to make use of...they are love, prayer and is hard to forget but we do need to forgive for time is fleeting, time do not wait and also time is today for me to say thanks to those that made my life a lot better to live like my benefactor, my family plus those people that i met every where that truly cared... but of course first and foremost thank you, God :) ...God is love, happiness and all that is nice, after all :) is great in spite of the pain, life is wonderful in spite of its troubles, as life is a gift for us to treasure and to hold dear for it won't last long as it surely will end, sadly... (^&*)...just we don't know when...happy 4th year anniversary of blogging to me soon :) and a blessed xmas and a blissful new year to come... to us all...let's celebrate :>
Thursday, December 16, 2010
"instead of goodbye how about so long" larry king...
his last parting words in ending his 25 remarkable years as host of "larry king live" a journalistic career at its brightest. interviewing great minds, the best of the best...there are programs that not only entertain but give riveting intellectual moments and unsurpassed humor and his tops them all. nothing more to say for the mind is full and his program filled it to the rim. watching larry king is watching the universe unfolds and dissected by talented creatures that ever lived. no one did ever interviewed presidents, kings and the common man as special as mr. larry king. so long indeed. thank you mr. king, the greatest king of the microphone that ever lived :)
in search for that perfect tree
the smaller the tree the better for it takes only a little time to decorate it, ergo i am lazy decorating trees, laughs. why do santas look chubby all the time? do they need liposuction or the more weight the better for them, hmn, no i think because they carry these kids on their laps who come to them for gifts so the more weight the lipo pls. santa :)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
kite catchers
the alluring wind whistles for the rope to fly
it blows and blows until it entices one kite to bite
up high in a summer blue sky without a cloud
the scene is perfect words are not required
one man flew several kites at once
the colors ranges from black to white
no pinks no reds none colorful as a smile
absence is silence for now rain is about to come
words are shuffled cleverly as thoughts are intertwined
no direct meaning deceiving kite catchers of the sky
roads as zigzags roads lost not found
straight as an arrow, not, so it failed and it didn't passed
when you want something would you say you want a cream
to mix with your black coffee so the taste would be better
but when you say i want sugar, honey and cream
three crossroads, three choices, you won't ever win
like kite catchers of the sky just running and running around in circles
kite catchers are dreamers but on the wrong side of the planet...
kite art is from the web, artist unknown...
Monday, December 13, 2010
giving gifts this christmas
since i am far away from relatives whom i want to give gifts i just mail them some paper dollars :)... but to the most special person in my life... who else... my benefactor, i gave her 3 aprons, i huge pack of US made clusters of cashews with almonds, a set of decorated steel measuring cups and a book about baking holiday cookies for her grandchildren's delight :) yes she has everything in this world but i made sure like for 20 something years now that i have some little things for her twice a year, on xmas and on march 14th, her b-day. you know it's true that the zodiac had served me well...she is a pisces based on it and i am a cancerian, we both are water signs in the zodiac so maybe the reason she did help me with my education :) and remembering about loving the water, they built a very beautiful beach house in nasugbu, batangas :> wow, that place is heaven, you can hear the splash of the waves most of the time, although the beach sand is not as white like patar... patar is way, way more prettier, beach wise but who cares :)
and speaking of yayas aka your dedicated servant or maid :) what will you give them kaya this xmas. maybe money, maybe a free paid vacation, or maybe something else, but the best thing to give your old yayas are respect, kindness, empathy, understanding, compassion and love, always, for nothing beats these :) and now if i wanted to whenever i am in the phil. i can hire as many yayas as i ever wanted to or need but i will never do that for i can be a yaya to myself plus i am an expert of this profession so no one is better than me, laughs...been there and done that :) diba...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
it's winter wonderland now :)
here in our part of the world it won't really have a christmassy feeling if there is no snow, so look and behold what the heavens sent us today :) now i don't even need a xmas tree for i just look out at the window and here they are plenty of trees, all free plus they're coated with flaky, feathery and pure white ice crystals. what could be better than that :>...last year we were in a warmer climate prior to this holiday so a very different scenario like going back in time, plenty of time, that is when i was young, laughs...but still the spirit and the feel of this yule season is no lesser to me but just the same. i love christmas for it makes me happy, it makes you happy and it makes everyone happy :) and why is that? because it's the source of our happiness b-day :> but at times snowy weather makes us sometimes down and sick...
Saturday, December 11, 2010
hope matters...
the mind has endless boundaries and it clings on hope to realize some of its relies on divine guidance as its eternal compass for reaching its destination. ideas are born out of incredible need and to meet that need is its sacred goal... to alleviate human suffering, to restore human dignity, to let people live as human beings not like animals that thrived on the streets without covers above their heads, homeless, abandoned, without love, without care as to what the future may bring. it is time to change this, make way for hope...the task has begun...the journey is just beginning...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
November 22 – December 21
Here we have the philosopher among the zodiac signs and meanings. Like the Scorpio, they have great ability for focus, and can be very intense. However, they must channel their energy or they will waste time and wear themselves out going in too many directions at once. They are not very patient and expect quick results. However, when encountered with failure they make extreme comeback often against incredible odds. They make loyal friends and lovers, but they do not handle commitment well as they refuse to be tied down while chasing philosophical pursuits...
TING...HAPPY B-DAY!!! MAY YOU HAVE MANY MORE BLESSINGS, MANY MORE LOVE, FUN, GOOD HEALTH and HAPPINESS TO COME :) my only brod? who is a genius in business, laughs...and let me see...moral, maybe... fearless 50-50, independent, check...generous, check... free? in what sense, i do not get that, laughs...yeah, birthdays are numbers we want to count when we are young, but birthdays are numbers we usually ignore when we are old. though we forget that the more we have birthdays, the more should we realize that we are blessed by God :) let's be positive about it, the more birthdays, the more time to celebrate life, the more chance to touch someone's life even in tiny ways that we can for it is the thought that counts and it is the deed that matters after all...
but to a more solemn note... today is "The Feast of the Immaculate Conception" a holiday of obligation. let's make sure to hear mass...(^_~)...use EWTN at the touch of your mouse if you can't be at church physically, a virtual reality, sort of. this i don't think God will mind :) but again it is our choice...for it is our own life...(^&*)...
Monday, December 6, 2010
the fountain of youth
the search for the fountain of youth is on going as we speak...and could you imagine the implications...longer lifetime to enjoy the beauty of our universe, i like it!
with the passing of time
the hands of the clock is there to greet us every day. it sounded on every seconds that it is so deafening we ignored it away. it kept on ringing and ringing until the years turned into a spin of decay. spent and wasted our ears did give out as the clock ticks its last. unheard by us the sound is the same only it never lasted for our ears had given out. as the passing of time we are left by the tick of the clock. it moved away and left us behind and never to catch up. for the toils and the tools of our bodies had eventually cracked and could no longer do its job. old age, tired tracks and slowly dissipating strength made us lost our race with the time that is now lost in our hands. but wait... as the fountain of youth will now be on its way, to stop the clock of life so maybe we could live forever for eternity...hopefully...
music spinning, music playing round and round over and over is like years adding up...but music is eternal, and life is not...
turning the page...

of no more
fish swimming
filled with
never to
be awakened
it is a well of
muddy water
and poison
to your taste
it is a book
without a plot
going nowhere
it is words
without sense and
without meaning
it is time
to turn
the page
for a new
it is time
to run your
fingers and
turn that
paper over...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
the most expensive book is up for sale in the millions...
"birds of america" by audubon's john is about the flying rulers of the sky...nature is cool :) i asked JC what is this bird called and he said, it is a flamingo :)...the sale will be on 12-7-'10...
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