Sunday, January 31, 2010

planes ready to land amidst the winter sky

every day in the evening as i punch my key board, i look up at the sky and comes lines of light in droves. every five minutes there's a flicker of light that glows, infront of me as i put my eyes beyond the lonely sycamores, bare and bones.

one by one the planes hover over my head as i gaze outside the window pane. they fly so low ready for a touch down thinking of their destinations anew. inside are tourists, maybe, all passengers that's ready for a home. after a long journey warm beds are waiting for them in tow.

what a sight to behold, amidst the dark and forbidding sky. what a thought to be had when life is tired. what an inspiration that fills all empty hearts. think about the planes above the sky coming down full of love hope and pride...
as i am typing this i counted 7 planes that were in line ready for a landing. they are still high above but you can see their lights flickering some with red on the right side as i peek out my window. our house is a good 1 hour drive to the airport and our house i guess is their path for a touch down and i don't mind for they are just an amazing sight to see in any given evening :) there are around 5,000 planes in the U.S. air space every single day as you can see in the web site about planes on air...planes ready to land is a free wonderful experience for me that repeats itself every night. one of the best :> planes are carrier of dreams. i rode one from the philippines then. my first ever flight and it landed here in the greatest country in the world...mine now :) but actually i ride a plane to go to the first ever wonderful country in the world too and there are 2 of them in my life and in my book :) lucky me for God is good :>