Monday, January 18, 2010

operation: touch someone...

i love this beautiful tune, the so called earthquake song ...just saw today at CNN Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a CNN journalist and its chief medical correspondent plus a neuro-surgeon from our state here. he is performing brain surgery to a 12 year old girl, a quake victim in Haiti...the video is not available yet at you tube and so his interview today with former president Bill Clinton in Haiti. this brought memories for me bec. i was once an OR nurse in the Philippines assisting MDs in different surgical procedures covered in mask, gown, gloves and all :) serious business but fun times :> i love Sanjay Gupta :) he turned down the offer by the Obama administration to be the U.S. Surgeon General and now here is one reason that he made the right decision...the service to humanity in tough times like this. the ultimate bringer of great accomplishment, self worth and joy...lucky man :)