Friday, December 25, 2009

positive change is what a hero brings...

even how small or great the act is, even how short or everlasting its effect like the gift of education which was given to me courtesy of my very kind benefactor. heroes' actions bring change and create a positive impact on people's lives. anyone can be a hero in their small simple ways, rich or poor. all it takes is Efren's example :) a nice way to end this year of blogging as we celebrate the birth of the greatest hero there is which is JESUS :) "Hero" written and sung by Mariah Carey, a music of encouragement which says a hero could also be you :)

Jesus is the light that never blinds. it is the light that will forever shine brightly in our hearts. and if you look closely HE sends HIS light to you in the hands of other people that you met along the way as you travel in your life's journey. their light is Jesus' light actually not theirs. they are just the designated messengers of Christ giving you that needed light to guide, brighten, or stir you into the right path of life, this if you just open your eyes and recognize it. but the question is...will you?
and speaking of gifts, i received calls and greetings, yule cards, smiles and hugs plus a ginger bread house music box from mrs. majors, our almost 80 year old nrsg assistant, playing deck the halls, laughs, music my fav gift :)...and that's all i ever need and wanted, no extra ordinary material stuffs :) but expressions of love and remembrance...thanks all and thank God for all of you :>