Monday, December 14, 2009

the flower of celebrations...

happy 3 years of blogging to me this month :> a salute to the powder puff's buds and blooms. through you i express my out most joy, laughs. my dismal English is getting better, i think :) below is a smiling magenta powder puff, very are from the magic of the www. i love the powder puff, my blog flower. i see it as the flower of joy and celebrations bec. it looked like fireworks in July. "linus and lucy" by VGT, the ongoing tune :)

a blog is like an open free for all to read diary? mine is not a diary. i only have one blog, this one, my first and the last? we'll see. i kept on saying that i will post sparsely but to fail miserably. i dunno. blogging is addicting, need i say more? it will happen though eventually. when? that is the question. on 12-21-'12, that will be my 6th anniv. this is the forecasted Armageddon by the Maya's civilization and so of the others...the end of our time...hope not. will that be the end of my blogging as well? for i can blog forever...I'm not sure if it's connected but there is this seed bank started 2008, i think. they are gathering millions of seeds of our present crops from all over the world for storage just in case Armageddon comes, like Noah did in the Bible. so the survivors can revive this earth as it was if ever this catasthropic prediction will pass. but skeptics say that it is only a waste of time and money for if this dire thing will be done, it is the end of the earth as we know it and nothing could restore it back other than God of course. but let's pray that it won't happen for it is really very scary just thinking about it. where do these people get this kinda of info, really astounds me. Nostradamus for one can predict what tomorrow will bring and they are doing parables, in vague terms. if you think something will happen tomorrow and you're sure about it, will you just say it in a simple but in a direct manner, you will, right? but if you are just fooling anyone you will just write like writers do, in similes, in metaphors or what have you, laughs. oh well. no one knows what will happen tomorrow in our lives except God. so no one can predict the future, my take. but i pray to God as well that this 12-21-'12 won't ever happen...for it is just 3 years away, imagine that...