Thursday, May 28, 2009

making a difference...

i truly admire people who are successful, famous and rich who are making other people's lives turn for the better and one of them is George Clooney. he said that in Darfur the longevity of life of people there is only on the 30's while here in the U.S., it is at the 80's and that is unacceptable. voted twice as the sexiest man on earth, his body is not only sexy, his mind as well :) and same as Brad Pitt who has a project in New Orleans helping Katrina victims. yes, that U.S. devastating hurricane here, not that sexy star noted at the moment, laughs. oh well. 30 versus 80, that is a very big many people are dying young bec. of violence, bec. of being poor and bec. of self imposed habits like drugs, drinking and smoking. maybe they want to play Russian roulette with their lives, i dunno...and to all unsung humanitarians in the world, i salute you. nothing could bring a heartfelt smile or brings genuine joy than knowing that you've touched someone's life and turned it around for the better, like what my own benefactor did for me :>... and we must not forget our former president Bill Clinton here as well with his works at CGI, the Clinton Global Initiative, who is helping a lot of poor people around the world... he deserves to have that Nobel Peace Prize like the one given to Al Gore, maybe in the future :)

"old age is the best gift only if you're healthy and lucky enough to get there" ...i read that true, but the young use it as a weapon against older people without thinking that they themselves will get there someday "if" they won't die young on their 30's or younger like these unfortunate folks living in Darfur...