Tuesday, March 24, 2009

touchdown...to the game...

you've played with pen and throw them in the air. you've put together words that's so unreal... you've drawn and displayed different images that could steal a heart out there if they believed... the music is mesmerizing that it can capture a heart that is as soft as the sand. the melodies are dying to be heard but it contained no meaningful meat and without substance. it played and played until the vinyl is torn and tired. it can't be heard because it's silent and the music is being swallowed by the wind every time. you can't catch a fish without a bait. you can't go to the moon without a lunar capsule. you can't see the stars on a cloudy night. you can never see the sun shining brightly for the weather is hampering the view. maybe you'll just wait for tomorrow. this if the game is still on, this if the players are still willing to repeat this tiresome escapades...

some people like to play mind games for fun...it is not my forte though for it makes me sad...it needs to stop. thank you :)