Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the sadness in goodbyes

you're gone
but why does my heart
says you're around
you're gone
but why does the wind
still spins around

a memory of a smile
a slab of cold concrete
where green grasses
marked your grave
where my tears fell
where my tears left
a stain

why is life
so timed
so short
why is love had left
me cold
yes dad, November one
this day i hoped
you'd be around
instead it's silence
instead a numbing cold
slab of thick concrete
instead it's just memories
of happiness that left
instead a state of
unending sadness
envelopes my days

a never ending goodbye
comes into my heart
a never ending hole
had torn my heart apart
a never ending river
of tears will flow after that
every time i remember you
everytime November comes...

all saints' day is next month
all saints' day always a reminder of my pain...

and btw, my dad's name is Sebastian, after the saint you know :)