Thursday, October 30, 2008

the art of an torres

magical illusions
that it'll always be
not the truth
but unreality

a coin in your palm
in a split second
a bird in flight
soaring high
above the sky
never to be touched
never to be touched
no more
by your hands

a mere unfix ornament
in your head
a fleeting moment
in your mind
now it's gone, gone
like a mirage, always

goodbye and good luck
but never ever
good riddance
and forever
from me a wish of
a happy life :)

a fine line is drawn in the sand. sorry for the dreary and desolate tune but it matches with the art, so...i guess you'll just have to tap out if it's not to your liking, your choice, laughs, for really i don't mind. will it be a sad tune if it's all make believe? i think so :> after all we're just taken out for a ride, right? laughs. although there is enjoyment until you realize it's all but a fake so of course, unhappiness comes, what can you expect. I'm glad we're not a wolf for then you can hear howling in the dark er at the show, laughs. oh bye illusion and truly let's get real for a change, laughs. the game is over :) your cover is exposed, although it was fun for a while until it lasted. thanks though, just the same :)
the magic of make believe

it's easy for us to pretend
that the earth is flat
but the truth is, it's not

it's easy for us to say
you can catch the wind
but the truth is you can't

it's easy for us to see
it in our dreams
that a man can walk on water
or over the clouds
but the truth is no one can
except for God or except for Jesus

and it's easy to pretend that we care
but the truth is far in between
so it's just as easy to forget
because all is just a fake
as all is but a game...

so the illusions need to end for it's just a waste of energy, time and space :)