Saturday, October 4, 2008

two for the price of one?

you have two countries
and you are only one
you have a double bed
but your body is only one
you like pink and purple
and you're torn apart
which way is more brighter
which way is the light

on a mountain in order
to reach the peak
you have to choose
between a two way street
you only have your
instinct and your gut
to tell you which road
leads you to that
promised land

choices come
in our lifetime
choices can make
or break a heart
choices is only
for humans
but destiny always
comes from God :)

so the way to the right choice is of God's. Good luck although we don't need it if we let God choose for us :) this way the best will win :> Obama or McCain, hmn, but whoever will win i win too, laughs, so these two men is two for the price of one, now you got it? hope all of you did, as if i have readers here, laughs, except for my brother and that dear lady from India, thanks to you :)...(^_~)...and there are sooo many ways to interpret a string of words, may i remind you that. but the truth goes to where the action matches with the word, now that's a tip for you, everything outside of it is a lie, a fake, an illusion or a make-believe, so shall i say let's all be smart? a joker is always around us you know, laughs. oh well. but it is the truth :) so guys and gals before you fall into that pit of make believe... stop, pause, think and do your math, first :> no works or actions to support the words is always a lie :)

thanks for your visit, whether intentional or accidental, still I'm appreciative. hope even only a tiny tad i made your day, i made you smile, for that will make my day as well :)