Tuesday, June 3, 2008

the politics of our time...

there are rumors going around that Obama will clinch that magic number needed to be the democratic presidential nominee tonight. if that so then i will conclude that:
1) money talks and walks...his campaign was well funded starting with Oprah's moolah
2) seniority and experience does not count plus intelligence as well
3) former president Bill Clinton must have alienated quite a bit of people that in spite of the trillion projected surplus in the budget when he left office which btw Mr. Bush had squandered and leaving this country with that same amount in deficit, what a contrast, with his positive accomplishments still Hillary is down, can't help his wife. although not that much down though for she is winning the popular votes meaning more democrats voted for her
4) no church for mr. Obama for he resigned. then who will give him that divine intervention to win
5) the audacity of hope indeed. as in your face challenge for John McCain for he will be announcing his win in the site of the future republican convention tonight. i hope his soaring ambition won't be dashed by this war hero comes fall, but i am not optimistic, for i don't think this country is ready for a black president with Muslim ties that's why he was against the Iraq war in the first place. his heart is somewhere else as well
6) and i hope Hillary won't accept the VP if he offered it to her bec. they will lose anyways
7) that ambition clouds common sense as what Obama is showing
8) i don't think Mr. Obama will be president although nice try. he needs to gain more experience, be the VP of Hillary that is more logical
9) that you'll wake up one day and the mirror will be telling you, you dreamed so high, now us will be suffering again bec. of it...and yes, it will be just a dream. America is not ready for a black president not yet, my friend and Mr. Obama will have to prove me wrong on this one comes November
10) i love politics but I'm tired of it now! it's obvious for too much ambition by Obama and under the table politics by the republicans voting for him had won for now. it will come back though, it will, this when Hillary will be the first woman president and it will happen :)
11) yes, only in America that one who is a junior senator can be considered as a front runner bec. republicans voted for him just so they will win handily in November, for they thought he is easier to beat than Hillary. that is dirty politics and somewhere sometime someone has to give...so good luck Mr. Obama for i think you will need a lot of it. but if you win this November then that is really an accomplishment and you will have my respect then, for proof first before anything else :) like trust, one needs to show that he can be trusted first...that's just makes sense...