Monday, April 2, 2007

Moods, Music and Memories

Drifting, bellowing in the air are sounds
Sweet or sad melodies of love
Dressed in wonderful or weary words
Arousing as in rhythmic pleasant verse

Requests called for on the air
Tunes wanted to be played
Of one person's favorite piece
Ballads, lullabies or other else

How about you dear friend
What's your story to tell
Can music express it forever
In sunny or in sad serenades?

Moods, music and memories are intertwined
As life, time, the wind and us
Sad or glorious sounds or drudgeries
Forever frozen and sealed in melodies

Words translated into sounds
From a superb song writer's hand
Full of emotions expressed and sang
By an angelic nightingale's sweet tongue

Musical lyrical hymns or mainly just hype
Illusions, delusions or realities of one
Traveling and floating freely in the sky
One's spirit, one's soul, one's magical mind...