Sunday, April 20, 2014

soon after midnight

working all night
bridging sickness to health
absence of ebola or not
nurses, nurses nurse
life at stake, loves aside
soon after midnight
when darkness dance
heartbreaking silence
it's after midnight
while all eyes closed
nurses never and do not...

it is really tiring to work after midnight but that is happiness that will last...let's pray for the 2 nurses who is now infected with the ebola virus acquired in the process of doing their job caring for an ebola patient who was from west africa who unfortunately died. our prayers go to his family as well..."soon after midnight" bob dylan...

glad that nina pham is getting better. she received a plasma transfusion from the MD that also recovered from this ebola viral infection, he worked treating ebola patients in africa and had taken that experimental drug when he had gotten sick that he had to be airlifted here in the US for treatment...

used, vintage and second salvation army, a charity work entity, they used hands me down or second hands to help people in the filthy rich, used or second hands are frowned upon but they are blessings to the poor and the have nots.

in love, divorces and deaths pave a way to second loves. what really matter is the presence of love, respect and appreciation...used, vintage, second hands or second loves...or simply said to each is his own :) i say, what makes you happy, follow that path, laughs. as no one can ever really dictate on us our wants, either that be used things or the likes :)