Monday, April 21, 2014

it never happened

it never happened
that you've crossed that bridge to nowhere
for you're still here with your shoes unlaced

it never happened that you've touched
a smoldering ash for your hands never got burned
never had gotten black

it never happened that you've ride the rainbow
for it disappeared so fast in that rainy sky
with shimmering filtering sunlight

it never happened
that you've sewed a heart to pieces
for there are still blood dripping at the sides

maybe tomorrow when the eagle will fly above
maybe tomorrow before the sun gets down
but you have to act fast

for time is of the essence
you'll never catch it
when it's gone...

frederick law olmstead by john singer sargent, the great painter of the past century... there are things that you thought it happened but the truth is it really didn't happen...but what will happen is after we enjoy this planet earth for sometime, a short while or a long while, we will all then go to that inevitable eternal repose for is "scenes from my childhood" they're still fresh in my memory...happy days, those were the days of eternal beauty never to be forgotten. the days will roll, life will continue to unfold, people will leave you either by death or by their own volition while still alive...but that is the essence of living, you're here today and gone tomorrow and we do not have any other choice...(^&*)... just live life day by day hoping that we will still be here tomorrow for we really never know what surprise is there for us.. as a new dawn breaks... as a new day begins...