Monday, February 8, 2010

where rest is bliss...

even an insect needs a time off. this must be photo shopped but i like it :) needs sleep and wants solitude at this cozy place where nature is painted at its greens and in blooming flowery pinks. does your art creates this natural ambiance where rest can be attained? and yes, this grasshopper won't ever be second best for pink reigns or love not hate reigns in this place. perfectionist pink? wrong...we are not perfect, no one is. just God alone has that title. let's not forget it :) ...although in love everyone wants an almost perfect harmony with their beloved, right? bec. that translates to a happy valentines day...(^_~) simple as that :) and you can't have that in the state of the just can't...with painted paramours in golf balls? who knows if there could be more than 14 lovey doveys out there...yup 14 and counting, laughs. elin woods please wake up, the tiger wants too many valentines, laughs. oh well.