Friday, February 19, 2010

the colors of my world

this bundle of crayons in my hand
i shuffled it while blindfolded
and picked them one by one
brown came for dawn
without the light of the moon
the sky is silent
but the stars shone

i rolled the crayons again
blue came gently with ease
it is morning glory
galore once more
the sky opened up
with hope and joy

it's middle of the day
my garden is filled
with the buzz of the bees
my blooms are in their peak
yellow marigolds, cosmoses in pinks
red clematises and one purple rose

then comes glorious sunset
with the horizon ready to rest
the birds are on their nests
calling it a day as myself

it's dark the night is silent
it's black the sky is at rest
only the sounds of planes
and their flickering tails
are there to decorate my world

but my world moves and rotates
i'm sure the light is always there
only a few hours of sleep
the sun will reign
and shine again
as always

my world is pink
my world is pleased
my plans are met
the grass is green
myself can silently
take a nap and rest...

these images are from the www... thanks loads to you if you are the owner :) they are lovely, truly!