Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the white house...

although this is not really the history channel version about the white house that i just watched for i can't find that in you tube today, instead i have these. less informative, very, i may add, but it is very fascinating just the same. yes, one of the privileged few to call it his residence, in spite of the negativity of his presidency, still he is one lucky man and his family as well :) history, not sad history is what i tend to gravitate towards to in comparison to the holocaust which i can't bear looking at the suffering of those 6 million Jews killed and remembered in these memorials. i just can't stand looking at their suffering for it just tear me apart. i am saddened by the action of this 88 year old man today in one of these memorial centers in Washington. a security guard gave his life to ward off his evil intention of killing innocent civilians with a gun. my sympathy and prayers go to his family. what a shame that too much hate occupies one's heart... for it can be the other way around...