Thursday, February 7, 2008

spring, pls. hurry!

a snowy day one more time. can't wait for spring to hear the birds and see my tulips again :)
yes, there is no clear winner between hillary and obama after the super tuesday vote. and hillary had to dole out 5 million of her own money now to fund her very own campaign. in contrast obama who is bank rolled by the rich oprah winfrey is well set financially. but really, 4 years of experience as a senator pales in comparison with hillary's own years of service to the american people plus her husband who's been there and done that. i would prefer a pro than a learn as you go along person to handle the many problems of this country. the economy is on its way to recession, the credit crunch, the mortgage melt down, the war on terror, the border immigration problem, i think these needed an experienced individual to guide us not a new young hand. he'll have his turn eventually, but no, here he is with that slogan of change. yeah, what change? to the less experienced and unchartered waters which he will be the pilot? not for me, i needed proof of capability. words are just dreams floating in the air. we needed a much more substantial entity, much more wisdom, to meet what america is being thrown right now. two heads in one, that is hillary, with bill clinton, of course. the man who under his watch brought prosperity to this country and in spite of his sex drives, he is still being regarded highly all over the world and even here, for his accomplishments as president. a very intelligent man, compassionate to the working class like there you go. i go for substance not just merely for words or promises, for who knows if they will come into dream on, if you are an obama supporter, laughs. but really, think guys, and think really good before you vote :)