Friday, February 8, 2008

back to the basics :)

in our lives it is very amazing that if you put it all to God, the things that you are not privy of or the things that you don't have the knowledge of, the light from God always clears the path for us. it paves the streets for us to the truth clearing the way for us, thereby flashing the answers to the puzzles that are seemingly so hard to solve. back to the basics, meaning putting it all to Him. He shows us the way to the truth and the light. my life has always been this way and so far it never fails. i get answers and i instinctively follow the lead. for who knows the best for us? God of course :) so never hung up for Him for He's always there for us when everyone won't for they're just humans...imagine life without religion, without a higher being, our lives will be chaotic and in shumbles. faith in Him is a must, trust in Him is tantamount to a life of love, contentment and happiness in this world. so let's do what we're suppose to do. let Him lead the way for us and we won't be lost, imagine that :)