Wednesday, February 13, 2008

snow take two...winter memories :)

we have another snow advisory! 5 inches of it, it never stops. it's winter wonderland one more time, but i have enough of it, laughs. really, too much na. spring where are you?
and i'm gonna let you into a very dirty secret about politics here. the republicans are voting for Obama so that he'll be the nominee for they figure out that he is the easier candidate to beat in the national election. these people are called by Hillary, the well funded activist and they don't represent the voting section comes November. and it is very true. the republicans do that and even the democrats as well. so you get the picture why this man is beating my idol and it's not funny! and they are right. Obama won't have a chance to beat McCain, Hillary will have though and she is better in debates for she has more far reaching grips or knowledge of the topics being discussed at hand. this is not only coming from me but from political observers as well as they give their opinions on the air :)