Monday, June 11, 2007

The American Way

I've already lived half of my life here, and in those years, I had several observations on how the people of this country live, work and play or operate to make it short. First, everyone is in equal footing young or old. You call it no respect, bec. everyone is called by their first name young or old. So I call Ed our just departed 95 y/o neighbor all the time by his first name. With my more than two decades of living here when I visit the Phil. it's very strange to be called Tita, Mam or what have you, so I tell them to pls. call me by my first name which I'm very used to, laughs.

People here are very independent, they take care of their own selves. They drive their own cars, even celebrities, like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. That's why these problems of DUI's exist. And TV networks here are totally lost in their perspectives with regards to coverage of vital newsworthy events. Why? How come that the travails and unwanted brush with the law of a pretty porn star and a rich hotel heiress is dominating the airwaves instead of these young fighting soldiers in Iraq who are dying everyday? What kind of sacrifice or good deed did this lady had done so far? Just several days in prison without her life being at risk she can't even do. If you do the crime, you serve the time as they say, but here she is crying her heart out bec. she's not used to living the poor way. Please..... She's going or on the way to be 27 years old and sorry to say she definitely did not grow up yet. Oh well. That's all for now for Paris Hilton just took away my appetite to write more. Gosh!