Sunday, May 20, 2007

"Somewhere in Time"

You travelled alone to find that special rock
You flew high over mountains, plains and parks
In search of the one you've thought had turned you on
To meet this person, with high hopes so full

After so much sweat, agony and despair
You found out, not true but just a dark dreary dream
Illusions, untrue, lies all but it seems
Who captured your mind, only in your brain

On dark nights you cried silently and sad
On daylights you laughed but just a front
Your dark eyes filled with tons of tears
Of bitterness like bile which is so unreal

Life is not light, life is not love
Love is spite, love is like wrath
Feelings of pain your heart can break
Arrows and daggers aimed at its peak

"Somewhere in time" when this earth spins
One more rotation, another time one more turn
Hopes abound in you that this time it's real
Meeting another someone, somebody you've yearned

Time truly heals all broken hearts
Always be patient and always be kind
Planets will spin as the sun will light
Your way to that person if it's in the stars

No need to dwell in dim dark despair
No need to cry a roaring river of tears
No need to hope, or no need to wish
For if it's meant, it will happen, all with God's grace...

Tsk! What a sad but funny poem. I always want to add a slimmer of sunshine to soak those tears at the very end, laughs...well, hope you all liked it :> not too busy at work so time to write more poems, that is :) and you'll just have to endure my elementary poems for I'm still trying to figure out how can I make them more sophisticated, laughs. Oh well. I really could use some help here :>