Monday, June 29, 2015

sunset signals the dawn of a new beginning...

you dragged your feet on to the door
it is heavy, your legs won't move
you were where you've been
but the job is not done, not yet
so you search for a new beginning
turning the leaf, turning over the pages
turning your life into a new day
with new shoes to wear and to walk with
to a new direction, new path, new light
new river to swim, new forest to roam
new waterfall to enjoy and bathe from
as you bid farewell to the past
as you thank for the brief encounters
that changed your life forever

what more of the long ones

so you are forever grateful

to God for bringing them to you...

Happy B-day dear Jesus...

Thank you :)

sunsets are closures but they pave the way to new sunrises, new hopes and new ways. a departure sort of, but it is a start of a new journey which when you look back you should have done it sooner. you should have been happier sooner but better late than never. you'll get there anyways...just the same...